
Your PC is ....

All is right for my PC
11 (84.6%)
I have to get some new hardware
2 (15.4%)
Arg! Iznogood! I can't use Les Grognards
0 (0%)
I don't understand these questions lol
0 (0%)

Total des votants: 13

Vote clôturé: 12 juin 2004, 10:45:20 am

Auteur Sujet: PC for Les Grognards  (Lu 9216 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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PC for Les Grognards
« le: 12 juin 2004, 10:45:20 am »
To play Les Grognards, it will be necessary to have a PC with some features...

AI manages 2 HQ, 22 staffs and 200 regiments or brigades : today, it is still too early to indicate this minimum but it will surely not be below 1 GHz.
Memory : according to the Orders of Battle, the requirement will vary because only the uniforms necessary will be placed in memory. For all uniforms, one should need around 60-70 Mb.
Graphics board : it will have to be of the family of GeForce3 or Radéon 8xxx. Indeed, to display several thousands of soldiers on huge grounds with a good environment requires to implement special  processes that all the board don't manage.

Below this threshold, we can't display complete 3D View, but only displaying 2D map and 3D tactical view (general vision of the battle field with a symbolic objet for each unit)
On the other hand, the quality of graphics will increase with the board power.

Survey : Your PC seems right for Les Grognards.
Processor > = 1 GHz
CPU Memory > = 128 Mb
Graphics Board: GeForce 3, GF 4, GF FX, Radeon 8500, 9xxx, Parhéelia with 64 Mb of memory (Maybe 32 Mb ???)

 a) Some GF4 are only GF2 (Verify your board uses the Shader Pixel)
 b) CPU Memory : Les Grognards needs around 64 Mb.


Hors ligne Le Tondu

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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #1 le: 13 juin 2004, 01:14:55 am »
1 GHz?  Oh well, I will have to get another computer it seems.


Until then, will an AMD 950MHz Thunderbird be enough to just play in 2D or small 3D clashes?

Vive l'Empereur!

Hors ligne Link

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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #2 le: 13 juin 2004, 10:06:36 am »
Bonjour Le Tondu,

You'll be able to play in 2D for sure.  8)

Correct me if I'm wrong JMM, but I think you'll be able to play 3D as well but you will not be able to lower the camera level to ground level (3 Meters).

What kind of graphic board and RAM do you have?

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne JMM

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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #3 le: 13 juin 2004, 10:48:54 am »
Bonjour Le Tondu,
Bonjour Lars..

The idea was to control the camera level with the FPS... So, if the FPS becomes too slow, the minimun level increases... BUT I am no sure it's possible to increase the FPS when the camera is going up.

In fact, the curve is more complexe... for example to give an idea ...
3 m -> 20 FPS
50 m -> 30 FPS
100 m -> 20 FPS
150 m -> 15 FPS

Today, the solution is: 2D + Tactical 3D (like that)

I must finish the SW to give the precise figures. Maybe it's will possible Les Grognards runs with 950 Mhz AMD processor.


Hors ligne Le Tondu

  • Officier HistWar : Grognard de la Vieille Garde
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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #4 le: 14 juin 2004, 17:37:32 pm »
Citation de: "Link"
Bonjour Le Tondu,

You'll be able to play in 2D for sure.  8)

Correct me if I'm wrong JMM, but I think you'll be able to play 3D as well but you will not be able to lower the camera level to ground level (3 Meters).

What kind of graphic board and RAM do you have?

/Lars L.

Thak you Lars and JMM,

I currently have a GeForce2 Ti with 64MB and I have 128MB system RAM.

Prices are pretty low for a video card upgrade.

Vive l'Empereur!

Hors ligne JMM

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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #5 le: 14 juin 2004, 18:06:08 pm »
Bonjour Le Tondu,

I am working with a GeForce 2 Ti too...
Very nice, but I have problem to make some work. For example, it's impossible to have different colors for the horses and the destinctives at the same time  :cry: .. Another thing.. I have improved the ground quality and this new process can't run on a GeF 2 Ti  :oops:
So, it's difficult for my small team to design a game matching a lot of configurations. Today, I am choosing to make a basical system (GeF 3, FX 5200, Radeon 8xxx..) There will be some other extended features for the last board (Radeon 9xxx, FX 59xx)

PS : Could you say your Os is? (W98, W2K, Wxp)
I believe 128 Mo is good for W98.. No sure it's right with W2K or XP.

Hors ligne Le Tondu

  • Officier HistWar : Grognard de la Vieille Garde
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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #6 le: 17 juin 2004, 17:04:33 pm »

Hello again.  My OS is Windows XP Home Edition.

If I can at least play the game in 2D, then I will not miss a chance to buy the game.  What you are working on is VERY important in my opinion.  Les Grognards has given me a renewed desire to eventually get a new computer.


Vive l'Empereur!

Hors ligne JMM

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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #7 le: 18 juin 2004, 15:28:14 pm »
Bonjour Rick,

A short response to say I am no sure Les Grognards runs with 128 Mb and XP.. This one needs a lot of memory.. and Les Grognards too (for all Textures and Meshes)... I have to make a lot of tests to define the minimal ressources:
a/ to play with all features
b/ to play with 'light features' : 2D and 3D tactical view only.

Patience yet  :oops: Always patience  :roll:


Hors ligne Hentzau

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« Réponse #8 le: 19 juin 2004, 10:55:50 am »
Wow, a wargame that i'll have to upgrade for. lol  Have one of those geforce 4s thats really a geforce 2.

Hors ligne JMM

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« Réponse #9 le: 19 juin 2004, 23:15:16 pm »
:lol: Maybe this wargame isn't a true wargame... without hex, neither dice, and maybe it's real time with some regiments, 200 to 400 men for each infantry regiment (with 2, 3 or 4 batailions with 6 or 9 compagnies).. 100 men for each cavalry regiment, 6 art for each cannon with 4 or 6 horses... and a lot of small things.. maybe my first PC 486 SX 25 MHz with 1 Mb (when I began this travel 8)  isn't right for Les Grognards  :lol:

What do you want :?: 2D map with some small colored rectangles (and I believe 1 GHz + GeF2 is right). or 3D with around 30 000 or 40 000 men...
and some nice effects (these ones need a lot of ressources.. sometimes more than the soldiers)...

But I'll try to make a version with 3D soldiers for low configuration too (low configuration = 1 GHz + GeF 2 with 64 Mb)


Hors ligne Link

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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #10 le: 20 juin 2004, 11:05:52 am »
Les Grognards is a true wargame all right! It just evolved like no other wargame.   :D

Hexes and dice roll is not what's significant for a true wargame but the presence of an OoB and chain of command is. Compared with the Cossack and Totalwar engines that doesn't have this makes them mere real time strategy games.  8)

If I understand Hentzau' post correctly he didn't meant the upgrade as something negative.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne JMM

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PC for Les Grognards
« Réponse #11 le: 20 juin 2004, 11:21:47 am »

Sorry if my answer seems hard.. just few tired  :oops:
Hentzau is a Great Support for Les Grognards.. and I'll try to make a setup for the light configurations...


Hors ligne Hentzau

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« Réponse #12 le: 21 juin 2004, 05:12:20 am »
Citation de: "Link"
If I understand Hentzau' post correctly he didn't meant the upgrade as something negative.  :wink:

/Lars L.

Yes, I wasn't complaining.  Just defining the component that was lacking in my system for purposes of the poll.  I'll probably be upgrading my video card for this regardless.