Bonjour Everybody
JMM, regarding the canons. What is the canon ratio? I.e. How many canons will be displayed for a battery of let say 16 4£ and 8 6£?
For each battery (or division), it's possible to draw 4 cannons for Horse Art and 6 for Foot Art.
Each cannon plays 1,2,3 or 4 real cannons...
There are 6 horses if one of cannon is 12£ or 8£... in the other case, only 4.
There are 1, 2, 3 or 4 drivers...
1 driver mean 1 cannon.. and so on
For your example...
6 cannons..
4 with 4 horses, 4 drivers, 6£ cannons
2 with 4 horses, 4 drivers, 4£ cannons
There are 4 3d models : 12£, 8£, 4£ and howitzer.
How many canons will visually fit in a redoubt? As I remember from the Map editor test you can't place two redoubts next to each other to make one big redoubt.
The effect is over the central position of redoubt.. so it's possible to make a huge defensive zone. (I believe the max of redoubts is 6)
There are 18 meters between 2 cannons for Battery unit, but the max length is 300 meters for deploying an unit (battery or division ART)...
(one division ART = 2 battery ART)
A redoudt is 3 sectors long.. so the AI is choosing the best deployement.. for example, it's possible to place 1, 2 or 3 units on the redoubt sector.. and 6, 12 or 18 cannons... But if there is a Division of ART with 24 real cannons, only 6 are displaying for the 3 sectors... (I hope it's clear)