Auteur Sujet: Questions about the screenshots...  (Lu 7262 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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Questions about the screenshots...
« le: 17 mai 2004, 23:47:18 pm »

You can see 4 batailions on the first page of this website.
Can you say the nationality and the type of these units...


Hors ligne Duc_dEarl

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Take a shot at it..
« Réponse #1 le: 18 mai 2004, 17:55:02 pm »

Yes, I will attempt to identify the Battalions...

Top Left: Russian, Grenadier

Top Right: Corsican, Line

By the way, the Officer with the sword in this SS.. it appears that his head has been separated from his body.. and his body is walking away from his head.. the same for the Drummer in the green uniform too..

Bottom Left: Bavarian, Light Infantry

Bottom Right: French, Light Infantry

Well, that's my guess... someone please let me know how I did on this small test about these Battalions..

Comment: The muskets are all brown, except for the silver bayonet.. I preferred the texture of the muskets used before in the other SS of the Corsican Battalion... where there was some silver on the top of the brown to represent the gun barrel of the musket..

Cordialement, Duc d'Earl
Artillerie..... l'Argument Final des Rois!

Hors ligne JMM

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Questions about the screenshots...
« Réponse #2 le: 18 mai 2004, 18:28:33 pm »
Bonsoir Sam...

Hum.......... You are fighting at your friends if you are in the french camp :lol:

Top Left : no
Top Right : yes for the corsican battalion (yep for the heads  :lol: )
Bottom left : yes for bavarian (but Grenadier)
Bottom right : right :D

The muskets are all brown, except for the silver bayonet.. I preferred the texture of the muskets used before in the other SS of the Corsican Battalion... where there was some silver on the top of the brown to represent the gun barrel of the musket..

Laurent is working about these small defaults...


Hors ligne Duc_dEarl

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Questions about the screenshots...
« Réponse #3 le: 18 mai 2004, 18:39:59 pm »
Bonsoir JMM,

Well, I do not mean to attack my own camp!... hahahahahahahaha

Citation de: "JMM"
Bonsoir Sam...

Hum.......... You are fighting at your friends if you are in the french camp :lol:

Top Left : no
Top Right : yes for the corsican battalion (yep for the heads  :lol: )
Bottom left : yes for bavarian (but Grenadier)
Bottom right : right :D


Top Left: is NO?...NO?..  

I see Green jackets, White pants, Black shakos, Big plumes & Snow.. and just a little bit of a Coalise flag on the right..

But yet, these are not Russian and not Grenadier?..  :? .... well, I am amazed!.. I will just have to reanalyze this Battalion again..  :P

I can tell you this.. they are certainly not Spanish, Italian or Neopolitan.. because this Battalion is not wearing 2 overcoats plus a blanket... and they are not huddling around a bonfire complaining about the cold weather... so, they must be Russian..  :P  

About the Bavarians.. I was only half-correct.. I forgot that the Bavarians had Line, Light & Grenadiers..  :oops:

Cordialement, Duc d'Earl
Artillerie..... l'Argument Final des Rois!

Hors ligne JMM

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Questions about the screenshots...
« Réponse #4 le: 18 mai 2004, 18:57:04 pm »
I can tell you this.. they are certainly not Spanish, Italian or Neopolitan..

Sure Marshall Sam?????


Hors ligne Link

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Questions about the screenshots...
« Réponse #5 le: 18 mai 2004, 20:05:49 pm »
Bonsoir friends,

Sam, If you look closely at the shako you'll see it's a French one.  :wink:

In the French Forum JMM gave Ben right for saying it was "The guard of the kingdom of Naples", but I doubt it's correct.  :?:

Due to the missing colors for collar and cuffs it's hard to be sure, but I think they suppose to be red and therefore my guess is that it's the Chasseur of the Italian Guard.  8)

Take a look at 5a in this picture:

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne JMM

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Questions about the screenshots...
« Réponse #6 le: 18 mai 2004, 20:40:42 pm »
Lars, you are the best.. It's right! Sorry for my mistake...

Yep,  it's the Chasseur of the Italian Guard 8)


Hors ligne Link

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Questions about the screenshots...
« Réponse #7 le: 18 mai 2004, 22:59:47 pm »
No problem JMM,  :D

Tell me, will the French infantry/artillery (who didn't have distinctive reg. colors) have objects for the cuffs instead of "just" paint on there sleeves?

I think it will be more beautiful with the cuff flaps and piping then the plain paint, and since there is no reason to have it flexible for different colors I would prefer it that way.  :)

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne Duc_dEarl

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Well done Marechal Link...
« Réponse #8 le: 19 mai 2004, 06:53:54 am »
Bonsoir Link,

Your chart is VERY detailed and VERY instructive... BRAVO!... I wish I had more of these charts for  these 'JMM quizzes'...  :lol:

Yes, I did notice the Bearskins on the back row.. but, I could not get a closeup look for identification..  :( .. so, I mistook them for a Russian version of the Bearskin..   :oops:

So, this Battalion is the Italian Chasseurs of the Guard... well, no argument from me...  :wink:

But... look at the leggings.. they are Black... not White.. unlike the picture @ 5a... maybe a mistake?... I don't know, but the Black leggings also influenced me to identify them as Russian Grenadiers..  :?

But, a good quiz.. learn something new every day..  :D

Cordialement, Duc d'Earl
Artillerie..... l'Argument Final des Rois!

Hors ligne Link

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Re: Well done Marechal Link...
« Réponse #9 le: 19 mai 2004, 08:02:34 am »
Bonjour Sam,

Citation de: "Duc_dEarl"

Your chart is VERY detailed and VERY instructive... BRAVO!... I wish I had more of these charts for these 'JMM quizzes'...  

You can find many good charts over here:

Citation de: "Duc_dEarl"

Yes, I did notice the Bearskins on the back row.. but, I could not get a closeup look for identification..  .. so, I mistook them for a Russian version of the Bearskin..

Your excused then, :P  :D   The French style lapels would also have been a hint. The Russians normally didn't have lapels at all. :wink:  

Citation de: "Duc_dEarl"

But... look at the leggings.. they are Black... not White.. unlike the picture @ 5a... maybe a mistake?... I don't know, but the Black leggings also influenced me to identify them as Russian Grenadiers..  :?

But, a good quiz.. learn something new every day..  :D

Since you're keen on learning new things, :P  I can tell you that the gaiters (leggings) were white for the summer dress and black for the winter dress. In the screenshot it's clearly winter so black gaiters is in order.  :)  

However, I'm not gonna request that gaiters will change color in the game depending on season.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.