Auteur Sujet: Hi New Player  (Lu 39303 fois)

Hors ligne Colonel Direct

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Hi New Player
« le: 27 juin 2019, 16:43:51 pm »
Just got HW 2 days ago, after initial problems, now seems to be working fine. Had some issues with Windows 10. Since i put all the Dll's i could find in the main folder seems ok. Am loving it and looking forward to the new patch. PS a Beta tester in the waiting... (worth a try)   ;)
« Modifié: 27 juin 2019, 16:48:01 pm par Colonel Direct »

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #1 le: 27 juin 2019, 17:46:19 pm »
Hello Colonel...

Happy to see HW runs fine now...

Just a short news:
Yet some adjustments before launching the beta test...
In the present version, there are some issues with the units position. Sometimes, they can't detect an ENY very close.

So, I have worked on this problem, rewritting a big part of internal engine. This one, if conflict, finds a good position but sometimes, this process must be disable... So, I have to adjust this function in order to allow the melee between adverses...

I have defined a first list for testing the fighting between infantry unit in different formations.

Soon the next step :-)


Hors ligne Colonel Direct

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #2 le: 27 juin 2019, 18:51:09 pm »
HI I am learning HW and enjoying the process. Understand you have a difficult task and much work before release, is obvious to me this is a labour of love by you. I would be happy to help when beta test starts. HW is certainly the best and most realistic Napoleonic war simulation there is and deserves success. Thanks for reply all the Best and good luck with your work JMM. 👍🙂

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #3 le: 01 juillet 2019, 01:52:55 am »
I join with JMM , Welcome  Colonel Direct !
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne Colonel Direct

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #4 le: 03 juillet 2019, 11:32:10 am »
Thank you zu Pferd, HWN is the best Napoleonic warfare simulation there is, i love the concept and look forward to new updates, although i have had some graphical problems with win 10 integration i have great faith in JMM resolving those problems. The future looks bright for HWN   ;)

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #5 le: 03 juillet 2019, 11:56:50 am »
Thank you a lot for your feedback.

Just a short news...

Always working on the fighting... Yet some little issues but I begin to be very happy about the behaviour of the new internal engine.

List of unitary tests for only INF vs INF... probably around 150 tests.
Maybe each beta tester can play only 20 or 30 tests

Some dozens for testing the INF attack against buildings / bridges.

We have to check both the cavalry and artillery... Several dozens of tests.

At this end, I hope all elementary behaviours will be right before checking the 3 levels of AI (Corps / Division / Brigade). A comment about he 2 new AI.. these ones share the Corp AI too the checking will be easy...

I have to add a new feature : player could ask help to the Great Tactical AI in order to get a tactical plan.

For finishing, the mode PBEM and MP.. (some modifications about this last mode)



Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #6 le: 03 juillet 2019, 19:27:49 pm »
Happy to read these very good news !
Thanks a lot to the beta testers who help to improve HWN.


Hors ligne Colonel Direct

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #7 le: 05 juillet 2019, 16:59:30 pm »
Sounds very positive JMM. Looking forward to this, even more ....   ;)

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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Re : Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #8 le: 06 juillet 2019, 09:18:24 am »
Thank you zu Pferd, HWN is the best Napoleonic warfare simulation there is, i love the concept and look forward to new updates, although i have had some graphical problems with win 10 integration i have great faith in JMM resolving those problems. The future looks bright for HWN   ;)

Hi  Colonel Direct
I recently switched to win 10, what sort of problems are you having ?
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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Re : Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #9 le: 06 juillet 2019, 09:21:47 am »
Thank you a lot for your feedback.

Just a short news...

Thanks JMM for the updates on the game. Thanks to the Testing Team as well !!
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne MarshalJean

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #10 le: 03 septembre 2019, 13:53:30 pm »
Just got HW 2 days ago, after initial problems, now seems to be working fine. Had some issues with Windows 10. Since i put all the Dll's i could find in the main folder seems ok. Am loving it and looking forward to the new patch. PS a Beta tester in the waiting... (worth a try)   ;)

Hello, Colonel Direct.
I would really appreciate it if you would help me. I got my new Windows 10 machine last year and the first game I installed on it was HistWar Napoleon. It always ran without a hitch on my old Win 7 machine, including many of the mods made by players (like Penninsular and 100 Days). Anyway, it seems like you started with problems and then fixed them. What did you do?  Why does it work now for you?  I haven't been able to get it to work for me on Windows 10, even running it on Win 7 compatibility mode. Any help or advice would be great. Thanks!

When you say you placed the Dlls into the main folder, which folder are you calling the "main folder"?  :)

« Modifié: 03 septembre 2019, 13:55:36 pm par MarshalJean »

Hors ligne sandman

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #11 le: 03 septembre 2019, 14:23:05 pm »
I also got Win 10, but only will install HW:N when the new version is available.

If there was a general problem running HW on Win 10, even with the new version, JMM should provide a sticky tutorial thread about how to resolve the issue in the support section of the forum.

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #12 le: 03 septembre 2019, 15:27:48 pm »
Hello, Colonel Direct.
I would really appreciate it if you would help me. I got my new Windows 10 machine last year and the first game I installed on it was HistWar Napoleon. It always ran without a hitch on my old Win 7 machine, including many of the mods made by players (like Penninsular and 100 Days). Anyway, it seems like you started with problems and then fixed them. What did you do?  Why does it work now for you?  I haven't been able to get it to work for me on Windows 10, even running it on Win 7 compatibility mode. Any help or advice would be great. Thanks!

When you say you placed the Dlls into the main folder, which folder are you calling the "main folder"?  :)



Could you say the problems ? Crash ? dlls missing ?

For crash : probably a problem with your drivers (sound or display)
Sometimes, it seems there is a problem with DirectX9 sound. I have to rewrite a short part about the sound managment

Dll missing : you have to put the dlls in the folder HistWar, where you find the different programs (editors, installer, game itself...)
That said, during the installation, HW verifies the pakages installed  (directX, Microsoft...) et tries to automatically install ones missing.

Best Regards


Hors ligne MarshalJean

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #13 le: 03 septembre 2019, 17:01:54 pm »
Hi, JMM.

It is hard for me to know what the problem is from a technical standpoint, but I can say that since I installed it (and re-installed it, and re-installed it again), the game regularly crashes. It will go the main menu screen, but when I select a battle and load it, it goes into the old GUI. Any attempt to press G for the new GUI won't work. I can't bring up the 2D map and the 3D game screen fails to depict anything. It's just a jumbled mass of pixels and the sound is basically white noise.

This is the best I can describe it, I'm afraid. Wish it was different.

Hors ligne MarshalJean

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Re : Hi New Player
« Réponse #14 le: 03 septembre 2019, 17:06:06 pm »
Could it be the fault of the download?  Would obtaining a new downloaded game file possibly help?  (My downloaded file is from last year, probably about this time last year, actually).