Auteur Sujet: Additional Modification to The Restriction of Deployment Zones  (Lu 4804 fois)

Hors ligne Mr. Doran

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Is there any way to specifically restrict deployment zones to a more specific and defined area. The deployment zones for Austerlitz allows for the French to reach Aujezd and Pratzen before the Coalition can even get there. I do not expect the AI to defend Telnitz and Sokolnitz but it would be nice to be able to further limit the starting deployment zones. I was playing with conditional fog of war as the Coalition and was disappointed to see the French already at Pratzen heights once I made visual contact. This isn't so much of a problem for MP games where you can have house rules in place to prevent it but the AI is not very cooperative.  I have tried playing around with the map editor but and reading through the manual but it appears you can only define a broad direction of deployment area and not anything specific unless I have terribly missed something.

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Additional Modification to The Restriction of Deployment Zones
« Réponse #1 le: 25 mars 2019, 23:14:15 pm »

I know the system for deploying the units is not the best.
I have to redefine the system.

It is not the first priority but very important one, probably the first after the next release.
One way is to disable the placement under 1500 meters of opponent side : one of problem is the game in the modes MP / PBEM.

At this day, there isn't any solution...


Hors ligne Mr. Doran

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Re : Additional Modification to The Restriction of Deployment Zones
« Réponse #2 le: 26 mars 2019, 06:54:02 am »
To do as you say, is the 1500 meter option along with all other deployment distances tied to map size only or is it an additional option I have missed?

I have a secondary question as well. In the map editor I noticed campaign is available for HW:N. On the store page it still says that campaign is only available for HW:LG. Is it now a fully functioning feature for HW:N?

Hors ligne sandman

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Re : Additional Modification to The Restriction of Deployment Zones
« Réponse #3 le: 26 mars 2019, 08:36:46 am »
If you mean campaigns with successive battles taking over the results from previous to current engagements, I think the feature isnt available in neither version yet.
If you chk the forum, a part of the community used other SIMs like "Empires in Arms", I guess, to play on the strategic level and setting up battles for HW with the OOB-editor.

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Re : Additional Modification to The Restriction of Deployment Zones
« Réponse #4 le: 26 mars 2019, 09:52:49 am »
To do as you say, is the 1500 meter option along with all other deployment distances tied to map size only or is it an additional option I have missed?

I have a secondary question as well. In the map editor I noticed campaign is available for HW:N. On the store page it still says that campaign is only available for HW:LG. Is it now a fully functioning feature for HW:N?

In the final version, HW:N will be released with a true campaign system in order to simulate a real strategic level and the big map (30 * 22.5) will be not available.

For the deployment : I said I have to improve the system for the initial deployment.


Hors ligne Mr. Doran

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Re : Additional Modification to The Restriction of Deployment Zones
« Réponse #5 le: 26 mars 2019, 13:14:50 pm »
I do not mean a series of linked together battles. The 30x22.5km maps are called "campaign" size in the manuals. All I am asking is do they function as they say they do in HW:N:

1) The 30x22.5km map is functional
2) The AI determines when the battle is over; in the manual it of course states that there is no defined battle time and the game decides when the battle is over.

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Re : Additional Modification to The Restriction of Deployment Zones
« Réponse #6 le: 31 mars 2019, 01:34:45 am »
Hi Doran
No its just a 30 x 22.5 km map. There was a subjective study done by a member of The Lordz
community for JMM, I have seen the post and the discussion thread but nothing implemented.
Alfiere and I built this 30 x 22.5 using sat elevation.
The river Po is missing  Alessandria on the left Tortona on the right. One river; Histwar only works
with one and although there was an earlier attempt of mine to draw two, with coding help from JMM
even on a 30 km map is a big problem because of the way the AI in the engine deals with Corps deployment
area. I have the oob (1799) for this map. I have tested it with mixed results.
Corps in Histwar is a line formation from the start. No different in a 30 km map.
By column only at a crossing, bridge or ford.   30 km maps offer a good exercise in scouting if anything and
a good game of cat and mouse.
However I should point out that 30 km map flattens elevations so a maximum histwar elevation of 450 m
on a 30 km map is flattened out dramatically, less so in 10 or 15 km maps.

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