Auteur Sujet: Moddability of HistWar  (Lu 8305 fois)

Hors ligne Huscurian

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Moddability of HistWar
« le: 25 juillet 2015, 08:00:31 am »
Just how moddable will the final game be?

I am curious because after browsing HistWar, watching YouTube videos, I had an idea pop into my head.

What if...  the Battle of the Alamo can be depicted in HistWar?  Santa Anna's 1,800 Mexican soldiers against the 260 Texans at the Alamo.  Of course, what about the Legionnaires at the Bataille de Camerone, the 60 of Captain Jean Danjou?  Hmm...

Even though HistWar definitely is set in the Napoleonic period, the tactics haven't changed much except for adaptability to certain conditions and circumstances.

Hors ligne sandman

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Re : Moddability of HistWar
« Réponse #1 le: 25 juillet 2015, 09:56:10 am »
I dont see a moddability like that in case of HW.

The game will provide a
- map-editor
- OoB-editor
- doctrine-editor
- scenario-editor
- campaign-editor (playing consecutive battles)
giving the player and the creative community a very high flexibility and and a very large variety. But all within the napoleonic era.

BTW, regarding "Alamo" and stuff, imo the game´s preferable strengh is not the siege of fortified areas or urban warfare, since this wasnt the common occurance anyway.
The large scale (up to several 100.000 of pieces) HW offers to the player, invites for huge engagements. An Alamo scenario needs the opportunity for detailed set-ups in build-up-areas and a liability to micromanaged warfare, but thats not the focus of HW.

Hors ligne Huscurian

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Re : Re : Moddability of HistWar
« Réponse #2 le: 27 juillet 2015, 10:08:18 am »
BTW, regarding "Alamo" and stuff, imo the game´s preferable strengh is not the siege of fortified areas or urban warfare, since this wasnt the common occurance anyway.
The large scale (up to several 100.000 of pieces) HW offers to the player, invites for huge engagements. An Alamo scenario needs the opportunity for detailed set-ups in build-up-areas and a liability to micromanaged warfare, but thats not the focus of HW.

I have checked what HistWar offered in terms of OOB Editor, Map Editor, etc.  I was just wondering if importing models, uniforms, were possible into the game, hence my question about moddability.

On an unrelated note, I would be very interested in doing a stress test of several 100k troops on both sides in a very large scale engagement to show off HistWar.  I have a very fast computer and if JMM finally releases the demo, or I purchase the game (whichever comes first), I can test out how many troops can be depicted on the field.  In the future, I do plan on doing a long video with only infantries and some artillery for both opposing sides.

Hors ligne sandman

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Re : Moddability of HistWar
« Réponse #3 le: 27 juillet 2015, 10:55:19 am »
There is a certain limitation. If i got it right, the max atm is 110 regiments each sinde. The max scale is 1:2, but the team is working on 1:1. I personally aint sure, if a 1:1 wont look somehow weird overcrowded. The change of formation could also appear unnatural, cos it is performed regiment-wise and not for each battalion, except playing smaller battles with battalions as smallest controllable unit.

Hors ligne Huscurian

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Re : Re : Moddability of HistWar
« Réponse #4 le: 28 juillet 2015, 00:05:34 am »
There is a certain limitation. If i got it right, the max atm is 110 regiments each sinde. The max scale is 1:2, but the team is working on 1:1. I personally aint sure, if a 1:1 wont look somehow weird overcrowded. The change of formation could also appear unnatural, cos it is performed regiment-wise and not for each battalion, except playing smaller battles with battalions as smallest controllable unit.

Only time can tell, Sandman.

I hope it won't look weird, displaced, or out of form.  There are several books out that details Napoleonic tactics, of which I may purchase.  They have a peek-into that showed an Army Group broken into several ordered army formations, being the Battalion the smallest up to HQ.  It would help me to understand the French, the Prussians, the British, Austrians, etc.  It may help me play HistWar better.