The wargames generally use a random function and a matrix datas to find the losses of each opponent.
In HistWar, a mathematical model allows to compute the losses.
What do you think about this?
Ideally... I would prefer an algorithm that produces a mix of random-mathematical results...
Influenced by things such as: realistic ballistic trajectories, Line of Sight & environmental factors (smoke, fog, rain, trees, walls, fences, defilade, enfilade, etc.), troop expertise, ammo quality, weapon quality..
As well as influenced by the usual factors: target range, ranks firing, ammo supply, weapon type... etc., etc.
Also... I would like to see realistic firing disciplines used for musket volleys.. i.e. feu roulant (rolling fire) by peloton, by rank, by file, by division, diagonal fire, fire-at-will, skirmisher fire, reserved carre fire (against Cavalry), etc, etc..
Cordialement, Duc_dEarl