Auteur Sujet: i need help i am trying to do the battle of Zuckelhausen and Holzhausen  (Lu 6627 fois)

Hors ligne david

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I need the French oob for this and what size map would be best no books I have give wich unit fought where at Leipzig around this area of battle I apreceate the help

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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I need the French oob for this and what size map would be best no books I have give wich unit fought where at Leipzig around this area of battle I apreceate the help

Hello David

here is a link

36th division/ Baden and 39th division
Austrian vs France/Baden  look at attachment (scenarios for Battle of Leipzig)
this should get you started.   8)

for actual units/and strength (est)  I would venture to look into the Nazfiger archives, specifically Leibertwolkwitz
since the Allied push which started the retreat for the French Southern Army sector begun here.
You may want to subtract 10% losses to all if looking for a fictitious scenario.
If you own HPS Leipzig Campaign you can get the units names and strength at the start of Leibertwolkwitz Scenario (and subtract 10%)
from all of 10% to France 15% to Allies. 

The first link gives you a general map. Google Earth for specific size (use GE ruler to measure out real distance)
6 km map should be sufficient, perhaps 10 if you want allies to come around the flank.
I have a pdf guide to the Battle with contingents (no actual numbers x unit) post your email address and I'll send it to you.

Best Regards

zu Pferd     ;)
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne david

  • Soldat
  • Messages: 7
thanks a lot and my email is I always wanted to fight this battle

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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Hello David,

Once you have built everything I would be glad to join in a PBeM battle
or TC/IP   8)
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``