Lars, you mention orders to Corps.. can you go lower in echelon? For instance, say I want to command at the Division or Regiment level? Would that be possible, and if so, would I still only have the same 5 commands?
You can send orders to 2 levels of the hierarchy...
5 to the Corps,
4 to the Regiment,
Divisons and Brigades allow to decrease the delay... Idea is...
Marschall gets an order.. ie : deployment on this sector...
For example, the (AI) Marshall chooses:
a) DIV1 on the left
b) DIV2 on the right
c) Div3 in support.. and 3 orders are sent to Général de Division
Each (AI) Général de Division chooses:
a) Brigade A on the Left
b) Brigade B on the Right
.. and so on!
So, all these tasks are done at the same time...
If there aren't Div and Brigade, the Marschall have to write all orders.. for example with 15 regiments -> 15 minutes...
With the intermediate hierarchy, delay is around 8 minutes...
Also, I don't see any command for attack, or seize ground.. does the AI attack as it deems necessary, for instance with a deployment order?
Yep, there isn't order to attack a corps... The Corps AI isn't very smart. This AI helps you to realize your tactical plan.. You drew a deployement line.. and the AI tries to place his regiments on this line.. This AI avoid you to manage the micro-management...
The main concept of Les Grognards is : You are Napoleon, Koutouzov or.... Chief of Army.. For example, you have defined 3 sectors...
a) main attack on the left
b) diversion on the center
c) diversion on the right + defensive line to keep your communication line.. (Very Important in HistWar)
Don't forget the reserve.. on the center, behind the front...
The battle begins... Very important to keep watch all movements on.. for example. AI on the left is halting the corps.. you don't want this! you only switch the AI off for this corps... Now, you have to manage the movement.. (but the basical tasks like Rally are always active)
I am sure your choices will be better than AI ones.. but it's not easy to manage all.. To summarize : I am sure you are better than the AI to manage some units.. but I hope this fact isn't true for 15 or 20 regiments...
Design notes : priority
Corps : execute your order, and save the corps!
Unit : save the unit and execute your order!
what does 'Save the Unit' mean! when the losses are important, the unit gets out!
So, when you define a
deployement order, the Corps tries to go to the line.. and the Corps attacks all opponents on the way...
In the
diversion order, the Corps tries to go to the line, but retreat if there is an important army on the way :wink:
I'm sorry, I'm sure it all works just fine, but I am having a hard time picturing how it will work without being too vague for the AI. IOW, you seem to be relying a lot on the AI to decide on its own course of action. Not that I doubt your AI is superb, its just that I'm sure more control for guidance wouldn't hurt and would be more realistic, not to mention it would improve the AI as it could be more focused.
The Great Tactical AI is the most smart (I hope).. It creates the tactical plan, and tries to take your Communication line..
I believe this 5 orders allow to build all tactical plans.. hum! I am sure! (in LGAA, there wasn't MARCH..
this new order without concentration allows to increase the set of Tactical Plan...)
PS1 : I hope all is clear!
PS2 : Thx Lars for your support...