I play Combat Mission (CM) all the time, and was involved in the development of all 3 games as a BETA tester and graphics contributer.
I think the 3D aspect of the game increases the realism quotient tremendously, not just visually, but a lot of the simulation aspects can only be done in 3D, ie. fall of shot, LOS, etc. It was a leap ahead in wargame design IMO.
That being said I do have some issues with CM (that i would love to see implemented in your game), here are the main ones:
1. Micro-management. I have been fighting against this since the first release of the game... but they like having control over every single vehicle and squad on the map. It can take a very long time to play a scenario because of this.
I would rather see this type of game have a good command and control system like Highway to the Reich (, which does C2 very well (and yes I'm involved in the development of that game too :wink:
2. Turn based. I would rather the game be real-time, or continuous time. I think this adds to the realism and immersion. This also adds to the time required to play out a scenario.
3. A lot of abstraction. Many of the features, like artillery, air support, etc. is very abstracted and not realistic in implementation. I would rather a realistic application of as much of the period covered as possible.
4. What you see is not what you get. The 3D models do not block LOS to each other (you can see and shoot through destroyed tanks for example). The 3D terrain is only a representation of the data used by the computer AI. Often you can shoot through buildings of other obstacles that should be a hindrance to LOS and fire. I would love to see that be tightened up, so you can peek around a building, treeline, etc. without setting yourself up.
But overall I think this series of games in particular (I can't speak for the others you mentioned) is outstanding and I have been playing the series for over 4 years now, since the first game's early BETA days.
Hope that helps.
Regards, Bil