There are a lot of discussion regardind GT AI in the developers forum, those discussion rose just during the very first beta test of HWLG and there are many ideas on how to improve GT AI for HW LG and... so.. for HW: Nap.
The main concern is to make AI reactive, so allowing to make some change on the plan according to losses, time, space.... by now JMM is overwhelmed by ideas about how the GT AI should handle the "reaction" even regarding the reserve corp that, in a napoleonic point of view, should be used like a "critical mass to win" or "the last bulwark of defence"... not so easy to let the AI decide on this, i presume.
Anyway, to those who have no time (like me) to press the units on the multiplayer battlefield and so like more to play singleplayer.. do not worry

Montecuccoli is here to stress JMM quite everyday on the matter of GT AI