
You want in the editor...

It's possible to define an unhistorical OoB
17 (94.4%)
it's not possible.. only historical OoB
1 (5.6%)

Total des votants: 18

Vote clôturé: 09 janvier 2004, 21:52:40 pm

Auteur Sujet: OoB.. IF.....  (Lu 16972 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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OoB.. IF.....
« le: 09 janvier 2004, 21:52:40 pm »
Goodevening everybody :wink:

I would like to have your thought about the OoB editor. Very simple! This editor divides the world into 2 sides! French and Opponents.. But as you know, the concept of side to vary throughout these 10 years of 1805 to 1815.. to even see the Austrians with the French during the terrible campaign of Russia...

In the same way, some small countries began this period with the friends of England, continuing with the France, finishing with their first friend...

The question is extremely simple... Do you think  that in Les Grognards it is interesting to make possible of associations which never occurred, for example France and Russia! I await  your contribution. and I profit from it for to open a poll...


Hors ligne Link

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #1 le: 10 janvier 2004, 10:47:52 am »

I think it's a tricky question. If it is for the random battle generator I think it would be annoying to keep getting unhistorical coalitions like France and England on the same side.  :roll:

France and Russia could in theory have been on the same side of the battlefield since they was allied in 1807-1812 even though it never occurred in any battles.

I will only play historical battles my self or reasonable speculative battles, but I don't want stop others from getting what they want.

In the end it's no big deal for me. I will not cry my eyes out for what ever the decision will be.

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne JMM

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #2 le: 10 janvier 2004, 11:26:02 am »
Bonjour Lars,

Just a short comment:

If it is for the random battle generator

I forgot to say the generator never creates an unhistorical OoB... 8)
The question is about the manual construction :wink:

THX for your answer...

Hors ligne Link

  • Comte d'Hanau
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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #3 le: 10 janvier 2004, 13:33:23 pm »
Bonjour JMM,

I forgot to say the generator never creates an unhistorical OoB...  
The question is about the manual construction  

Ok, that makes the choice a lot easier.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.


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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #4 le: 10 janvier 2004, 18:13:32 pm »
I like the idea of being able to alter the historical OOB. It would be great for increasing the "fog of war" aspect of the games if players were unsure of what was facing them.


Hors ligne ivanmoe

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #5 le: 10 janvier 2004, 18:35:19 pm »
Just to elaborate a bit...

We used to do stuff like this all the time with minatures.

The one pairing (alliance) that never took place, though, was G.B. & France.

Somehow, the uniforms clashed or something. ;-)

"I humbly kneel in remembrance of the power and the glory that was the rule of Napoleon!"

Hors ligne Frédéric Walther

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #6 le: 10 janvier 2004, 18:56:41 pm »
A matter of colors... hummmm. Like French flag, red and bleu are separated by white....

Well , guess that's why England has sent first Austrians before attacking the French... :roll:  Oooops, this is war ! :gun:

To be honest, I'm  practicing wargaming for long and never seen an attempt for early "Entente cordiale". But who knows... As far I never tell it to my grand- da. :D
Comte de l'Empire;Général de division Colonel majors des grenadiers à cheval de la Garde; Grand Aigle de la Légion d'honneur

Hors ligne JMM

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #7 le: 10 janvier 2004, 23:26:59 pm »
Citation de: "Anonyme"
I like the idea of being able to alter the historical OOB. It would be great for increasing the "fog of war" aspect of the games if players were unsure of what was facing them.


THX Invanmoe for these posts...

Yep.. The process will be like that...

First Phase..
Hey Jo, I would like to play a MP with you. I am doing an OoB.. Austrian side.. with CEH = 50 K (CEH is used to define the strenght of the OoB.. one CEH = one basical infantryman.. for example CEH = 200 for a 12£ gun)

So, It's ready.. Hey Jo, (or Paul, or...) I am sending the OoB.. My PassWord protects my datas.. I am sending a new map too.. All deployment datas are in the file..

Second Phase..
Jo (or Paul..) is runing the Map editor to discover the map.. And he is using the OoB Editor to create his french army (or other one.. russian for example... :roll: )

Third Phase...
All datas are right... Paul (or Jo...) sends the datas to all gamers.. (8 is the max..)

Henry.. (Paul's friend  :wink: ) launches Les Grognards. Everybody is connecting... The game is beginning 8) Each gamers has in charge one or more Corps.. (and he can't send order to others units..


Soon... :wink:


Hors ligne ivanmoe

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #8 le: 17 janvier 2004, 04:58:17 am »
This all sounds just terrific, Jean.

Devotees of Napoleonics are a hungry lot, what with so little to feast on, at least in the realm of computer simulations.

I salute you, your staff, and all your excellent efforts!

"I humbly kneel in remembrance of the power and the glory that was the rule of Napoleon!"

Hors ligne Le Tondu

  • Officier HistWar : Grognard de la Vieille Garde
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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #9 le: 19 janvier 2004, 17:16:40 pm »
Absolute freedom to create any OOB that one desires?  WOW.  JMM , "you da man!" :)
Vive l'Empereur!

Hors ligne JMM

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #10 le: 19 janvier 2004, 17:38:51 pm »

The editor uses a color to show the side for each country for each year (is it clear  :?: )

For example...
Austrian wasn't with France on 1805 to 1809! (the color is green)...
Then, Austrian was with France on 1810 to 1812 (blue text).. and against France again...

Danemark is grey (nuetral).. but only green on 1813!

So, the gamer can use this code to define an historical OoB! but he can build an unhistorical OoB.. (Russia and Saxe vs Austria and Sweden)

I hope it's  clear... :wink:

A bientôt

Hors ligne Le Tondu

  • Officier HistWar : Grognard de la Vieille Garde
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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #11 le: 20 janvier 2004, 21:58:45 pm »
That was clear to me.  

I'm hoping that we might be able to print out the OOB after we create it.

Vive l'Empereur!

Hors ligne JMM

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #12 le: 20 janvier 2004, 22:23:43 pm »
Hello Le Tondu...

Yep... Here is the first lines of Austerlitz french OoB textfile  :wink:

(french version. but there is a english version too)

HistWar : Editeur d'Ordre de Bataille

Austerlitz 1805 Année 1805

***         Napoléon 1er                               Grande Armée                               ***
Bessières                                  Garde Impériale                          
............Hulin........................  1 Grenadier de la Garde..................   1519 Fantassins    2 Bataillons  
............Soules.......................  1 Chasseur de la Garde...................   1613 Fantassins    2 Bataillons  
............Ordener......................  Grenadier  de la Garde...................    706 Cavaliers    5 Escadrons  
............Morland......................  Chasseur de la Garde.....................    410 Cavaliers    3 Escadrons  
............Bourgeois....................  1ère Cpie de la Garde....................  8_Livres   4 4_Livres   2 Obusiers   2
............Barbeaux.....................  2ième Cpie de la Garde...................  8_Livres   4 4_Livres   2 Obusiers   2
............Gayat........................  3ième Cpie de la Garde...................  8_Livres   4 4_Livres   2 Obusiers   2

    Effectif  4656   24 Canons    3132 Fantassins    4 Bataillons    1116 Cavaliers    8 Escadrons  

Oudinot                                    Réeserve Grenadiers                      
........Brigade Laplanche  ..............  1er Brigade..............................   1787 Fantassins    4 Bataillons  
........Brigade Dupas  ..................  2ieme Brigade............................   1798 Fantassins    4 Bataillons  
........Brigade Ruffin  .................  3ieme Brigade............................   1070 Fantassins    2 Bataillons  
............Cantin.......................  1/1 Artillerie...........................  8_Livres   6 Obusiers   2

    Effectif  4795    8 Canons    4655 Fantassins   10 Bataillons       0 Cavaliers    0 Escadrons  

Bernadotte                                 CORPS I                                  
........Brigade Frere                    

I am sure the Grognards like this...
JMM (Very glad)  :lol:

Hors ligne Frédéric Walther

  • Officier Commander of the Gods
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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #13 le: 21 janvier 2004, 10:52:06 am »
Dear Sergeant Le Tondu,

Here you'll find english version....

Austerlitz 1805 Year 1805

***         Napoléon 1er                               Grande Armée                               ***
Bessières      Garde Impériale                          
Hulin      1 Grenadier de la Garde   Infantrymen    1519       Battalions    2
Soules      1 Chasseur de la Garde   Infantrymen   1613       Battalions   2  
Ordener   Grenadier  de la Garde   Horsemen   706       Squadrons   5  
Morland   Chasseur de la Garde      Horsemen   410       Squadrons   3  
Bourgeois   1ère Cpie de la Garde      8_Pdr.      4 4_Pdr.       2 Howitzers   2
Barbeaux   2ième Cpie de la Garde   8_Pdr.      4 4_Pdr.       2 Howitzers   2
Gayat      3ième Cpie de la Garde   8_Pdr.      4 4_Pdr.       2 Howitzers   2

  Strength  4656   Guns 24   Infantrymen 3132   Battalions 4   Horsemen 1116   Squadrons 8
Comte de l'Empire;Général de division Colonel majors des grenadiers à cheval de la Garde; Grand Aigle de la Légion d'honneur

Hors ligne kikka

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OoB.. IF.....
« Réponse #14 le: 13 avril 2004, 00:47:28 am »
I would argue in favor of possible non-historical OoB combinations. You never know if a full Diplomacy add-in might be made down the road. It would save re-coding.