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Battle 2 : F 225 v R 175.France have to advance and capture the main central town and surrounding villages, 5 objective VPs and the LOPs if possible.Russians attempt to stop this. The Russians must ALL start in forward positions and NOT near the LOPs, the Russians can not begin to disengage and retreat until midday battle time. Guard and Elite formations will be present for Russia only.
Hello Doug: I just stumbled into this without any clear idea about being part of a league now
If it is a Mirror Battle, (same map for both meetings and exchange of same OOBs), and it seems, so why two threads are open ?
Be aware gents that for mirror battles in the HWL only the best scoring battle will gets points.E.G. If you win one battle each then its only the player who wins best that will score points.You can win one of these battles and score no points. See here,6764.90.htmlIf you wont both battles to be judged separately then you need to post one topic for each.Just letting you know as i dont believe all are aware of this.