Auteur Sujet: Scale.  (Lu 14121 fois)

Hors ligne oster1815

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Re : Re : Scale.
« Réponse #15 le: 03 avril 2012, 19:07:37 pm »
Bonjour ou Bonsoir  Duke,

 In both screenshots, the F3 camera is positioned at its lowest possible distance above the ground and the reference object .... very easy to duplicate .... :)

THis obviously demonstrate the problem ...........but the solution is also obvious : Erase this particular tree from the scenery pool an keep the others which look in scale  :)

However, by and large, the visual motion of the Regiments (and F3 camera) in 1:10 scale usually appears more fluid, rhythmic and smooth (probably on all PC Platforms), which is pleasing to the eye ....  So, maybe a 1:5 scale could preserve a fluidic visual motion (or framerate) without drastically sacrificing the appearance of Regimental 'mass'? :?

I think this is another problem and I agree with soldat Louis

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Hors ligne Duke of Earl

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Re : Scale.
« Réponse #16 le: 04 avril 2012, 00:34:20 am »
Bonjour ou Bonsoir Msr. oster1815,

Your  point about the tree is well made (as well as the solution) .... let us see where it takes us from here .... :)

There is still the issue of the scale of buildings that may be depicted as well; the tree just happened to be available for a 'beautyshot' at the time .... :lol:

Cordialement, DoE

Hors ligne oster1815

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Re : Scale.
« Réponse #17 le: 04 avril 2012, 11:33:37 am »
Salutations Mr Duke,

You're perfectly right about the buildings and I have no knowledge to help solving the problem........
I just remember, years ago, a WWII game in 3d " Combat Mission ???"  with various improvements until the buidings were sized like men ( with interiors playable  ??  )  :shock:
I guess it was easier as the scope was Cy / bat with small groups of figures and individual vehicules......the system was also totally different with short time increments_ so, fluidity was not essential ....
The point is zooming affected both men and scenery the same way   :arrow:  now, how it was possible is beyond my knowledge, being only the basic end-user..... :p
Amicalement, oster
Si tu veux la PAIX, connais la GUERRE  !  Gaston Bouthoul

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

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Re : Scale.
« Réponse #18 le: 05 avril 2012, 19:00:58 pm »
Bonjour ou Bonsoir Msr. oster1815,

Oui, je me souviens aussi the 'Combat Mission' series  :) .... I still have many of the CD's nearby (and a multitude of mods, and maybe some patches, on my old PC HD somewhere - as I dimly recall now, all of those hundreds of mods may have been the reason for the JSGME mod management tool  :o) after all,  'neccessity is the mother of invention' - cliche .... :roll:

Anyways, you are most correct, the buildings and natural scenery were wonderfully scaled to the figures .... and there were even interior views possible from all the buildings and yes, they were indeed playable .... as you say, it was a platoon/company/battalion level 3D WWII mechanized combat simulator with a simultaneous WEGO - 1 minute incremental (phased) movement/combat system (and an impressive ballistic trajectory model) .... the 'North Africa' Edition in this series was one of my favorites of all time (and still is - a classic) .... ;)

Perhaps a similar scale of buildings, natural scenery and physical interaction with the figures may be achievable by HistWar (another classic of all time) one day .... who knows? .... if so, then all I can say, as a humble end-user myself, is oo-la-la! :lol:

By the way, here is another discussion thread, from the Evolution sub-forum, and even a poll, about the future evolution of HistWar as to 15mm or 25mm size figure scale (a never-ending debate, it seems) .... AND some very interesting comments by JMM there too! ....  :),6809.0.html

Cordialement, DoE
« Modifié: 07 avril 2012, 03:15:07 am par Duke of Earl »

Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Re : Scale.
« Réponse #19 le: 06 avril 2012, 09:47:08 am »
Don't forget what JMM says in the above mentioned topic
Excellente question...
Toutefois, je souhaite rappeler que la version actuelle pour l'échelle 1/1 - 1/2 n'est pas encore finalisée.
Dans la release suivante (04), les fonctionnalités précédentes seront retrouvées avec une dynamique de caméra plus importante et une correction des problèmes actuels (erreur d'échelle)... Et probablement beaucoup plus!
Good question ...
However, I would recall that the current version for the scale 1/1 - 1/2 is not yet finalized.
In the next release (04), the previous features are recovered with the present dynamic for the camera and the corrections of existing problems (scale error) ... And probably many more!

Wait for the evolution of Histwar.

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

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Re : Re : Scale.
« Réponse #20 le: 07 avril 2012, 02:50:12 am »
Don't forget what JMM says in the above mentioned topic
Wait for the evolution of Histwar.

Bonjour ou Bonsoir Msr. DominiqueT,

Sir, Yes Sir! :smile:

Cordialement, DoE
« Modifié: 07 avril 2012, 02:52:49 am par Duke of Earl »

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Re : Scale.
« Réponse #21 le: 07 avril 2012, 04:57:21 am »
Bonjour ou Bonsoir Msr. DominiqueT,

Sir, Yes Sir! :smile:

Cordialement, DoE

Yes but how many time we must wait?
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Scale.
« Réponse #22 le: 07 avril 2012, 05:04:58 am »
Bonjour ou Bonsoir Mssrs.,

Here is a visual comparison between the rendering of 1:10 figures and 1:2 figures, with a tree nearby also for some more scale comparison .... all figures are of the same Regiment located on the same spot in a rather large "Vitoria" scenario (game paused) .... for some reason, the Graphic Engine slightly relocated this Regiment in terms of its position near the tree for the 1:2 screenshot such that a slightly modified camera angle was required (see compass) ....

In both screenshots, the F3 camera is positioned at its lowest possible distance above the ground and the reference object .... very easy to duplicate .... :)

Another concern of mine is that the visual motion (or framerate) of the Regiments (and F3 camera) in the 1:2 scale always appears to be 'choppy' or 'arrhythmic' and reminds me of the hand-cranked 'kinetiscopes' from the old nickel arcades at the beginning of the 20th century .... of course, this is probably linked to video RAM capabilities of the particular PC platform (I have a huge amount of pagefile space reserved on my HD to support my video RAM).... :|

However, by and large, the visual motion of the Regiments (and F3 camera) in 1:10 scale usually appears more fluid, rhythmic and smooth (probably on all PC Platforms), which is pleasing to the eye ....  So, maybe a 1:5 scale could preserve a fluidic visual motion (or framerate) without drastically sacrificing the appearance of Regimental 'mass'? :?

Cordialement, DoE

Duke where you find rhis new terrain?
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

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Re : Re : Re : Scale.
« Réponse #23 le: 08 avril 2012, 01:01:22 am »
Duke where you find rhis new terrain?

Bonjour ou Bonsoir Msr. Jacquinot,

As far as I know, all big solitary trees come with the 03C-RC3 patch .... however, I also have 2 extra terrain mods in my JSGME folder for other types of terrain (but, I relabeled them with new names for the JSGME tool and the file dates were all changed) .... I got both of them from the 'official' HistWar Depot, as far as I know.... as so:

1. Bushes for MadRussian and Jacquinot Mod (2011 Mod) - maybe came from an 'unofficial' depot, not sure  :?
2. 3d Terrain Mod (2010 Mod) - maybe came from an 'unofficial' depot, not sure  :?

That said, I still have the mods in my archives  ;) .... that is all I know .... maybe I use all of these mods, or maybe just some select 'pieces', who knows? .... :roll:

Cordialement, DoE

Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Scale.
« Réponse #24 le: 08 avril 2012, 11:12:09 am »
Yes but how many time we must wait?
That, I can't answer.
But what I am sure of, is that JMM has always kept his promises.
So there is no reason why he wouldn't keep his promises this time.
Histwar has been immensely improved since the beginning, and is now very good and nice to play (and to look at).
Other improvements will come.

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Scale.
« Réponse #25 le: 08 avril 2012, 15:21:06 pm »
Yes but how many time we must wait?

This is a game made by a (very good) man, remember.  I expect we must wait just how many time it takes, with good grace.  The improvements are always excellent and arrive regularly.
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"