Bonjour ou Bonsoir Msr. oster1815,
Oui, je me souviens aussi the 'Combat Mission' series
.... I still have many of the CD's nearby (and a multitude of mods, and maybe some patches, on my old PC HD somewhere - as I dimly recall now, all of those hundreds of mods may have been
the reason for the JSGME mod management tool
) after all, 'neccessity is the mother of invention' - cliche ....
Anyways, you are most correct, the buildings and natural scenery were wonderfully scaled to the figures .... and there were even interior views possible from all the buildings and yes, they were indeed playable .... as you say, it was a platoon/company/battalion level 3D WWII mechanized combat simulator with a simultaneous WEGO - 1 minute incremental (phased) movement/combat system (and an impressive ballistic trajectory model) .... the 'North Africa' Edition in this series was one of my favorites of all time (and still is - a classic) ....
Perhaps a similar scale of buildings, natural scenery and physical interaction with the figures may be achievable by HistWar (another classic of all time) one day .... who knows? .... if so, then all I can say, as a humble end-user myself, is oo-la-la!
By the way, here is another discussion thread, from the
Evolution sub-forum, and even a poll, about the future evolution of HistWar as to 15mm or 25mm size figure scale (a never-ending debate, it seems) .... AND some very interesting comments by JMM there too! ....,6809.0.htmlCordialement, DoE