Auteur Sujet: Patch 03c (RC1)  (Lu 37653 fois)

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #30 le: 05 février 2012, 10:28:04 am »
Tout est ok...merci merci
Ce misérable Ponte-Corvo

Hors ligne D.C. Parquin

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #31 le: 05 février 2012, 11:47:34 am »
Pour moi aussi et il suffit se scruter les améliorations visibles et attrayantes de la version améliorée.

Hors ligne Caulincourt

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #32 le: 05 février 2012, 12:08:24 pm »
Et bien voilà que depuis aujourd'hui, je vois le patch officiel sur le dépôt ^^

Un grand merci à vous Duke et JMM

Servir pour l'empereur !

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #33 le: 05 février 2012, 15:28:18 pm »
Curious... Maybe in the cache... Could you refresh the page itself..


I had the same problem,  I fixed it by loging out of the Depot and Histwar Forum then logging back in to both

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #34 le: 05 février 2012, 15:52:14 pm »
I had no problem at all... 8)

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #35 le: 06 février 2012, 18:46:58 pm »
Thank you for the patch JMM   :!:

testing for any bugs, last night I encountered  the 'internal ERROR' in red ink
in a unit ID window ; new GUI running  and 1/1 scale. could not access direct control of the unit.
I'll send the file.

Best Regards

zu Pferd
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

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Re : Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #36 le: 06 février 2012, 20:21:50 pm »
Thank you for the patch JMM   :!:

testing for any bugs, last night I encountered  the 'internal ERROR' in red ink
in a unit ID window ; new GUI running  and 1/1 scale. could not access direct control of the unit.
I'll send the file.

Best Regards

zu Pferd

Bonjour ou bonsoir JMM,

I have also noticed similar AI problem with 03c-RC1 (maybe even in 03b) .... in old (first) GUI Unit Info Panel (right side) ....

1. Activate/Deactivate AI button is non-functional ... and more, Independant Orders (to deactivate AI) are sometimes cancelled and AI is re-activated ....  :|

2. Chevrons do not change on sleeve when Unit type is modified (upgraded) with OOB Editor

3. No Aide message displayed for Oak Leaf Clusters on sleeve (Corps Commander Info Panel)

4. No Aide message displayed for Corps Commander Medal (ability) - just a numerical value

 :arrow: Also .... some other minor problems ....  :o

5. On F7 Regiment Chapter IV and Situation - Analysis Chapter VI (Performance sub-chapter) of Field Manual .... no value ever shown for Guns Destroyed (not Spiked or Captured) .... even though 3D view shows Destroyed guns on battlefield (Big Flame, smoke column then charred ground) with destruction sound effect and Statistic sub-chapter shows reduction in Cannons .... I can remember when this was not so .... :(

6. On 3D Map (F3), I have the feeling that AI does not always do a good job to spread out cannons in a horizontal line parallel to enemy advance (defensive line) .... many times I see some artillery companies spread properly (F3 view) ....  :)

Then, on same area (or same map, different location), I see another adjacent (side-by-side) artillery company spread in a compressed T formation with unlimbered cannons along the vertical column of the T shooting backwards .... even though there appears to be enough 3D area to spread all unlimbered cannons in a horizontal linear formation .... :|

And more .... in this adjacent artillery company (compressed), maybe just 1 or 2 unlimbered cannons are positioned on the top of the T and shooting in correct direction, but the remainder unlimbered cannons are not .... they are shooting backwards in a vertical line (one behind the other) .... looks very strange .... :|

 :arrow: Note: I always try to draw defensive line on 2D Map with enough room for good cannon spread of artillery companies .... maybe I cause this error? :?: .... but 2D Map (F2) shows adjacent artillery companies positioned on defensive line and shooting at enemy .... so, I don't know .... :?

 :arrow: Note: I have seen many other Battles (03b & 03c-RC1 patch) where cannons of multiple artillery companies were properly spread in Double Line formation in same 3D area .... even in Triple Line formation (current Solo Talavera battle - all companies in light woods too!!!).... one artillery company properly spread behind another company .... so, more confusion .... :p

7. I have the feeling (and I maybe wrong :oops:) that the F3 cannon Trajectory (Line of Sight) Model is not so good sometimes, for some unknown reason .... Why? .... because I have seen (looking for hours) cannons shooting through light woods .... and even over small hills .... at targets on the other side (of light woods or small hill) in F3 view (Peninsula Mod terrain - Solo Vimero Battle) .... :roll:

 :!: 8. Very disturbing .... I exit a game (again, a Solo Talavera Battle - not scenario) and then reload it as a Save game file (as usual from Main Menu) .... and all my Units have been scattered across the 2D map (in Deployment zone) behind their previous defensive line positions!!! .... just with 03c-RC1 patch, never before have I seen this happen .... now, I  hesitate about exiting a good Solo Battle, because my Units may be scattered when I reload it as a Save game file .... :shock:

9. I have the feeling that casualties are not registered in timely or accurate  manner on Unit info panel (F3 view).... also, I see a lot of random appearance of casualty figures on F3 battlefield (sometimes, not enough dead/wounded figures to reflect actual Regiment loss percentage - 1/2 figure scale) ... especially in musket firefights ....  casualty numbers increase, but no increase of  contemperaneous 3D figures on ground .... :|

10. In OOB Editor .... Uniform Editor .... no Dark Blue color is available in color palette ....  all shades of Red do not display properly on certain uniforms (i.e. Spainsh Uniforms - turnbacks always same pale red color) .... Artillery figures cannot have ANY uniform colors modified from color palette .... :x

My Sincere Apologies for using a Forum channel to report these issues .... there are a few more not mentioned ....:oops: :oops:

Amitié et de Fraternité
Cordialement, DoE
« Modifié: 07 février 2012, 22:35:58 pm par Duke of Earl »

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Re : Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #37 le: 07 février 2012, 16:47:34 pm »

6. On 3D Map (F3), I have the feeling that AI does not always do a good job to spread out cannons in a horizontal line parallel to enemy advance (defensive line) .... many times I see some artillery companies spread properly (F3 view) ....  :)

Then, on same area (or same map, different location), I see another adjacent (side-by-side) artillery company spread in a compressed T formation with unlimbered cannons along the vertical column of the T shooting backwards .... even though there appears to be enough 3D area to spread all unlimbered cannons in a horizontal linear formation .... :|

And more .... in this adjacent artillery company (compressed), maybe just 1 or 2 unlimbered cannons are positioned on the top of the T and shooting in correct direction, but the remainder unlimbered cannons are not .... they are shooting backwards in a vertical line (one behind the other) .... looks very strange .... :|

I have seen this also. Montebello, playing French, the russian AI  has deployed one ARTY in a T formation, with 2 guns facing back but shooting forwards...

Pic and sav attached (look in the northern part of the map...)

(edit: playing in 1:2)
« Modifié: 07 février 2012, 23:29:41 pm par Franciscus »

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Patch 03c (RC2)
« Réponse #38 le: 03 mars 2012, 10:38:40 am »

Patch 03c (RC2) [compatible 03b / 03c (RC1)]

Fixing some major problems (*):

New management for controling the display of second GUI depending on the window width
Fix "output condition of the battle" based on loss (*)
Fix control of units movement of a corps (prevent blocking the advance) (*)
Fix to allow the rout of a unit attacking a defensive line (*)
Adjustement to avoid an unit to get the map out (*)


Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #39 le: 04 mars 2012, 10:54:00 am »
Thank you, JMM  :D

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Patch 03c (RC3)
« Réponse #40 le: 26 mars 2012, 11:22:02 am »

Patch 03c (RC3) [compatible 03b / 03c (RC1,RC2)]

Fixing a major problems: Withdrawal of a unit attacking a defensive line if significant loss, avoiding the destruction of the unit.


Hors ligne Michaeljap

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Patch 03c RC1
« Réponse #41 le: 13 décembre 2014, 02:20:56 am »
Do you plan to update to patch-39?
Anders removed the pixel-gap bug didnt test it myself.
I would test it afterwards.



Hors ligne tony scrase

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #42 le: 16 décembre 2014, 21:56:12 pm »
I am not good with computers can someone explain how I download this latest patch

I have not got a clue !!!!!!!!!


Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #43 le: 16 décembre 2014, 22:36:39 pm »

For HistWar : Les Grognards, please wait for a new patch very soon...


Hors ligne tony scrase

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Re : Patch 03c (RC1)
« Réponse #44 le: 16 décembre 2014, 22:48:21 pm »
JMM I look forward to it