Hello/Bonjour JMM
After the waves brought about by how powerful artillery is (especially le bel filles
I read a few paragraphs of T de Moria Tratado de Artillerie (1816) found in Imperial Bayonets by G Nazfiger)
-movement by prolong or movement by hand when in range of enemy unit/s In the game this is not possible, further many artillery sections are destroyed because they must limber to move.
Is it possible to design in the game a hand/prolong movement? the limbers bring the guns to a position
so that the limbers and teams don't become themselves a target, and the gunners with prolong or hand position
the gun/battery
with max distance rule applicable
with an order to prolong
and a suitable animation
-make it harder to achieve hits with counter-battery fire (a waste ofammo by all accounts...Wellington, and many of the Napoleonic generals of all nations forbade direct counter-battery fire)
indirect hits ?
can we capture guns instead of destroying them for victory points adding to the arsenal of either side in a 2+ day battles....the second point I suppose is:
ammunition wagons can they be introduced with a proper ratio at the corps and division level...an actual unit with defensive factor only, a movement value, a supply radius (I can hear you laugh
so that:
each army may start with 100% or a slider gauge so that more realism can be introduced
ex: army A arrives with all its ammo army B arrives with 65% army B might run out of ammo sooner, so its behavior and tactics would have to be adjusted.
-ammo wagons can be captured and recaptured as needed, or blown up by
artillery fire negating an advantage.
a devotee