Auteur Sujet: patch 3bRC3 issues?  (Lu 32473 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #15 le: 14 septembre 2011, 21:50:02 pm »
Cavalry glide at 1\1 speed (60/60). Walk normally at faster speeds
Yes.. I saw this issue but it seems I made a mistake when I fixed it.  :oops:

Sometimes looks like soldiers and horses have transparent feet
No really.. a new layer (grass) hides the 3D models feet.
In fact, my intention was to add an horizontal layer in order  to decrease the vertical grass..
What is your idea about this new procedure?

I saw blue lines on the 2d map.
Is it possible to have a file with the blue lines.. (I think I have an idea about the reason, but it's better if I can work with a file with this issue)

During the melee, I noted that some units are inactive, but in this battle, no bugs on behavior, except when two infantry regiments have crossed the enemy without fighting.
unit == 3D model ? Right?

I am waiting for other issues  :p


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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #16 le: 14 septembre 2011, 21:53:28 pm »
Je confirme pour le bug de la pelouse!

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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #17 le: 14 septembre 2011, 22:47:01 pm »
I saw during a test (Borodino map) the men of artillery piece die without being attacked and at the end all the gun remain without men. SOmething like a suicide :) ; I will make other test for see if it happen again.
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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #18 le: 14 septembre 2011, 23:08:35 pm »

unit == 3D model ? Right?
I mean cavalry men don't fight/don't move in the melee while some others are fighting.


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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #19 le: 14 septembre 2011, 23:11:04 pm »
For comparison:
Why does it look much better ?

@ Jacquinot,

I mean what have you done to have better result on your Winter Mod ?


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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #20 le: 14 septembre 2011, 23:50:21 pm »
I have recently reinstalled my game and upgraded to the latest patch via patches full 3.0a then 3.0b RC3. It starts and runs fine to begin with then after 3-5 minutes (maybe when firing starts) game crashes with an error "Internal error 1A". Anyone else having trouble and anyone have any suggestions as to a possible cuase. I have sent an email to JMM for help but have not heard back yet. Thank you.


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Re : Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #21 le: 15 septembre 2011, 08:13:08 am »
No really.. a new layer (grass) hides the 3D models feet.
In fact, my intention was to add an horizontal layer in order  to decrease the vertical grass..
What is your idea about this new procedure?


Not sure about the grass layer look. It may be my PC but you can still see the outline of the feet which makes them look transparent. Just looks a bit odd. It looks much worse when you can't see any "long" grass so it looks like really flat ground they are moving on.

Had a short play around last night and some cavalry appeard ok when moving and others in the same unit were gliding. Other units it was the whole regiment gliding. Not sure if this is important info for you.

Thanks again for the support you give the game.

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #22 le: 15 septembre 2011, 15:23:45 pm »
@ Jacquinot,

I mean what have you done to have better result on your Winter Mod ?


Nothing, JMM's new patch done this work.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

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Re : Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #23 le: 15 septembre 2011, 18:54:16 pm »
If you want play with MadRussian ground mod in 03bRC2, without grass innovation, you just need to add this files - in MadRussian mod folder in T_Base folder.

Great mods Jaquinot  great pics download plug in is not compatible with Firefox I'm going to try with Explorer 
Good looking winter environment .  : )
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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #24 le: 15 septembre 2011, 19:09:08 pm »
When playing Auserlitz shortly, I noticed "squares" on the ground.

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Re : Re : Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #25 le: 15 septembre 2011, 19:30:41 pm »

Great mods Jaquinot  great pics download plug in is not compatible with Firefox I'm going to try with Explorer 
Good looking winter environment .  : )

Thanks! :)
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #26 le: 15 septembre 2011, 20:13:08 pm »
Damn, my winter Mod looks realy nice with this JMM's grass trick, thanks JMM!!! ;) and new fire is perfect!!!
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #27 le: 16 septembre 2011, 22:24:41 pm »
I saw blue lines on the 2d map.

Fixed... that said, no nice but no impact on the game itself (just bad display  :p)


Hors ligne JMM

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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #28 le: 16 septembre 2011, 22:40:39 pm »
Regardless of graphics,
a) Have you seen new bugs?
b) old bugs fixed but coming up again
c) crashes (and if so, is it possible to send me the file spyboard.txt just after the crash)
d) internal errors 1A (and there I need the file xxx. sav)

For a) and b), if you can send me the file xxx.sav and specify the time at which the bug occurs.

Did you play in MP mode? Problem : Yes/No

I reinstalled version 03a, then add successively 3 patches 03b (trying game at each step)
Nothing .. no crash ... I am in the Fog of War!


Hors ligne Andrea

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Re : patch 3bRC3 issues?
« Réponse #29 le: 17 septembre 2011, 00:45:20 am »
I played Montebello in solo mode, about four hours of gameplay observing what was happening : only graphic problem I noticed is a blue line crossing the battlefield sometimes appearing in 2D view when orders are displayed on the map. No bugs detected, all worked fine. I observed carefully the AI moves, in my opinion single corps deployment and management have reached an excellent level, I played a defensive battle and the AI acted in a way  I appreciated a lot : once completed the artillery deployment the AI started bombing two regiments on my right wing, I observed the morale of my troops lowering under the bombs and partially rising when I sent another regiment in support, after that my envolved regiments had to face the charge of some enemy cavalry regiments, the cavalry repeatedly attacked on the flank, first it was rejected by my infantry squares and line musket fire but finally won the combat. I could go on describing the battle, I repeat that the gameplay has reached a very good level, just an idea on how improve the corps management : it would be good to have the possibility of deciding where to place cavalry and artillery respect to infantry when orders are given ... I mean for example "defend + type of formation (line, column etc.) + place artillery on the right or on the left  or behind.    
Just a pair of bad particulars that should be discussed from my point of view : I noticed that cavalry behaviour is better, it seems that cavalry initiative is more limited and regiments tend to remain attached to to their corp ( JMM could you please confirm you worked on cavalry behaviour with this last patch?); in my opinion there are still too many regiments leaving the field or being prisoner, maybe it's my fault becouse I must learn how to manage the morale and mantain the control of
my units, I'd like to know the opinion of other skilled players on this argument. Another thing I'd like to discuss is the artillery behaviour when attacked by infantry : I noticed an entire artillery regiment destroyed by enemy musket fire, I think a situation where artillery is flanked by infantry and exposed to musket fire is quite unhistorical, maybe it should be introduced a "reacting" rule for artillery menaced by musket fire.

« Modifié: 17 septembre 2011, 09:00:41 am par Andrea »