Auteur Sujet: Borodino map update!  (Lu 116693 fois)

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #90 le: 07 août 2011, 18:38:54 pm »
Field protected now and was protected 200 yers ago, you can't build anything on Borodino field(only on villages territory), you can't dig and excavate on field, all field is museum now and protected by state :!: :!: :!: I think landscape save very well (not like in Waterloo), only erosion can change something but after 200y not much i think.
« Modifié: 07 août 2011, 18:42:09 pm par Jacquinot »
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #91 le: 07 août 2011, 18:44:48 pm »
I thought at the shadows and do not understood because in your first photo the shadows on the right.
(you said 'in front at redoubts') then direction west to east (sun on the north ?)

Now i see again that photo o_4abc_451688, but with view from redoubt,now is clear , direction east to west, then sun on the south. (probabily you take that photo in the late morning)

But there are not shadows with game , you have take the screen with map editor with not defined time.
I remember , but not sure that in the battle the shadows there are.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #92 le: 07 août 2011, 18:51:01 pm »
I thought at the shadows and do not understood because in your first photo the shadows on the right.
(you said 'in front at redoubts') then direction west to east (sun on the north ?)

Now i see again that photo o_4abc_451688, but with view from redoubt,now is clear , direction east to west, then sun on the south. (probabily you take that photo in the late morning)

But there are not shadows with game , you have take the screen with map editor with not defined time.
I remember , but not sure that in the battle the shadows there are.

First 3 photos i take standing on southern Bagration's lunette, 4rd photo i take standing on north  Bagration's lunette, view direction west to east, time about 17.00.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #93 le: 07 août 2011, 18:58:13 pm »
You can see on photos that too much woods now, not like on Adam's paintings or on my Histwar map. But i think the field was flat in 1812 like now.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #94 le: 07 août 2011, 21:42:24 pm »
Deployment of French army by general Pelet:

In continuation of the night, the French army was structured as follows: Division, built pobrigadno, stood off to the right flank to the left; they were three soprikasavšiesâ lines, due to the small stretch of the front. The poles were sub-Saharan Doronina. On the right flank of the Division was in the forest, Kompana lying south of the Reduta complex Ševardinskogo; Desses and eventually several nazadi, between the forest and redutom; Louis Friant over nazadi and to the left. III Corps stood in the Centre, having a second line of Vestfal′skie Division VIII Corps. On the left flank, Koločej, Moran, a followed by Gerard. Brus′e was at a height of with the last, at the extreme left flank Delzons infantry. Behind the new Centre, also in lines pobrigadno, the old and the young guard Division near Friana, North of the Reduta complex, a 5-day; Division of the Legion of the Vistula River Klapareda or to the left of the guard. I cavalry corps (Nansuti) columns pobrigadno was behind the right-wing; (II) (Monbrûna), III (pears) on the left flank; (IV) (Latour-Mobura) in reserve and in the last line. Ornano with several shelves, light cavalry observed the end of the left. In continuation of the night were built batteries before the right flank of the army, in front of the Centre and left its flank. The first two were to join their fire against the redantov, built to the South of the Semyonovskiy and against the village. The latter was directed against the Reduta complex bastionnogo. Mobile batteries collected and sent to the chiefs of artillery I and III Corps were required to assist the operation of permanent batteries. Sorb′e supported them all mortars guards.

Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #95 le: 07 août 2011, 22:33:46 pm »
Pelet about Ney's attack:

 Marshal assigned to be the centre line between the I and IV Corps, received around 7: 00 the order to attack. The WMD direction led him to the North of the Semyonovskiy to split the ravine and forest rosšemu on the bottom part of it. But barely head III Corps descended into the ravine, the indomitable soldier throwing to the right, which calls upon its strong pal′ba, where he notices a slight fluctuation in the army I Corps. He was throwing Semenovskie redanty with divizieû Ledru. He reaches the nearest to the village of redanta and takes it. Vestfal′cy are held at the same altitude and compete with the French. Tarro, Damas killed at the forefront.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #96 le: 14 août 2011, 18:41:35 pm »
Deployment is ready!!! I work hard and do it!!! :p

My main historic sources: 1) Correspondance de Napoléon I (vol. XXIV);
                                                    2) Memoirs of general Pelet-Clozeau about Russian compaign.
                                                    3) Memoris of Russian and French veterans about Borodino battle.
                                                    4) Articles of Russian historians: Pronin A.V., Hlestkin V.M., Grunberg P.N.
                                                    5) My own vision on battle. :)

Please post your coments and ask questions!

Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne thilio

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #97 le: 14 août 2011, 19:09:53 pm »
Thanks Jacquinot, very nice work  ;)

Hors ligne oster1815

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #98 le: 14 août 2011, 20:01:42 pm »

Your Magnum Opus, Jacquinot :!:
How many men and guns on the battlefield together ?  and how much memory requested from the computer before the final explosion  :oops:
Did you tried it solo? I would like to watch Sorbier in action....
Ps Don't forget the heroïc posture of my IV corps, I still had my two arms there ;)
Si tu veux la PAIX, connais la GUERRE  !  Gaston Bouthoul

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #99 le: 14 août 2011, 20:39:32 pm »
Your Magnum Opus, Jacquinot :!:
How many men and guns on the battlefield together ?  and how much memory requested from the computer before the final explosion  :oops:
Did you tried it solo? I would like to watch Sorbier in action....
Ps Don't forget the heroïc posture of my IV corps, I still had my two arms there ;)

Yes i try it, Sorbier, Foucher and Perneti destroy Russian south and north batterys after 30-40min, but how was in reality???
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Darsh

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #100 le: 14 août 2011, 21:09:01 pm »
Excellent work, This historical battle with the historical effective of the new patch will add another dimension to Histwar!

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #101 le: 15 août 2011, 07:46:54 am »
Very good work and very useful all that informations.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #102 le: 15 août 2011, 10:25:50 am »
Deployment is ready!!! I work hard and do it!!! :p

My main historic sources: 1) Correspondance de Napoléon I (vol. XXIV);
                                                    2) Memoirs of general Pelet-Clozeau about Russian compaign.
                                                    3) Memoris of Russian and French veterans about Borodino battle.
                                                    4) Articles of Russian historians: Pronin A.V., Hlestkin V.M., Grunberg P.N.
                                                    5) My own vision on battle. :)

Please post your coments and ask questions!

Hello Jacquinot,

 This is an interesting work. I appreciate your research to have the most possible historical scenarios, especially Borodino, of course !. I know we have to work hard for this.
1 - What sources did you used to make the order of battle ?

 For us, it is especially difficult to obtain accurate Russian sources. You said that you used articles of three Russian historians.
 2- Could you provide us web links to Russian OoBS to have the names of officers of the regiments and their strengths ?

 C'est un travail intéressant. J'apprécie ta recherche pour avoir les scénarios les plus historiques possibles, surtout Borodino, bien sûr !. Je sais qu'il faut travailler dur pour ça.
 1 - Quelles sources as-tu utilisées pour faire l'ordre de bataille ?

 Pour nous, il est particulièrement difficile d'obtenir des sources russes précises et fiables. Tu as utilisé des articles de trois historiens russes.
 2 - Pourrais-tu nous fournir des liens internet vers des OdBs russes pour avoir les noms des officiers des régiments et de leurs nombres ?


Hors ligne Belliard

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Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #103 le: 15 août 2011, 13:29:49 pm »
Très beau travail colonel Jacquinot !! merci pour ça. ;)

Very good work,  thank you for that ;)

Hors ligne oster1815

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Re : Re : Re : Borodino map update!
« Réponse #104 le: 15 août 2011, 20:07:31 pm »
Yes i try it, Sorbier, Foucher and Perneti destroy Russian south and north batterys after 30-40min, but how was in reality???

I played Hanau afternoon and the sappers were in good place in the French army and allies _ Why  :?: :?: :?:
Si tu veux la PAIX, connais la GUERRE  !  Gaston Bouthoul