Auteur Sujet: Hello All! I love the Napoleonic era and I have some questions for you  (Lu 11561 fois)

Hors ligne Stefos

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Hi all,

I'm Stefos, Greek for Steve.

I live in the U.S. and I have many books on the Napoleonic era.

The time before Napoleon was interesting also: Conde, Turenne, Marlborough, Eugene of Savoy,
Maurice de Saxe, Frederick the Great

I'm interested in buying this game and have a few questions:

1.  I have Napoleon Total War, which is good for what it does.
Histwar takes it to a completely HIGHER level though!

Is this game too much for me?

2.  I enjoy RTS and I see that a LOT of deployment is needed for Histwar.
It seems just as daunting as it probably was for Napoleon, Archduke Charles, Alexander of Russia, Suvarov, etc.

Can I manage this game in a real sense of the word?

Lastly, I do enjoy quick action also, aka Napoleon Total War, which provides for quick setup.
Does Histwar provide this also?

Thank you everyone and I hope to see you soon on the battlefield! 
Merci beaucoup!
Vielen Danke!
Sas Efharisto!  (that's Greek btw)

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Hello All! I love the Napoleonic era and I have some questions for you
« Réponse #1 le: 27 avril 2011, 03:45:24 am »
Stefos, I am an English transplant living in the USA as well, Pacific SW.  Histwar is the ultimate Napoleonic battle simulator and it never looses it's lustre.. I am a member of NBC, a Napoleonic gaming club we fight NTW3 and Histwar, we are currently involved in MP Campaigns for both games. Check us out

« Modifié: 27 avril 2011, 03:51:18 am par AJ »

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Hello All! I love the Napoleonic era and I have some questions for you
« Réponse #2 le: 27 avril 2011, 11:24:17 am »
Hello Stefos, and welcome to the foruns !  :D

As to your questions, take note: Histwar: Les Grognards is a great game (really a work of love from his creator, JMM), but it is NOT NTW. And it is NOT a RTS, at least not in the way it's usually meant. It is, really, a Napoleonic battle simulator, great in Solo and, as I hear, in Multi, with a strong modding community and strong support from JMM.

My advice would be for you to wait a couple more days because JMM said a new demo would be released in the end of April (the "old" demo does not do justice to the actual state of the game), and try for yourself.


Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Re : Hello All! I love the Napoleonic era and I have some questions for you
« Réponse #3 le: 27 avril 2011, 13:21:15 pm »
Histwar has been described as the first FPC - First Person Commander.

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Hello All! I love the Napoleonic era and I have some questions for you
« Réponse #4 le: 27 avril 2011, 14:59:36 pm »
It's not a twitcher game.  Whereas NTW or Scourge of War (excellent though the latter is) require you to race about and get the adrenalin pumping as you click here and there manically and get involved in low level flankings and foming squares and all that faff, LG is a more considered process.  The AI does all that little stuff.  You're the commander, not the corporal.  You can order particular units to attack other particular units, but after that it's the  AI that runs the local show, not you.  You don't get the adrenalin running by clicking madly.

If you want simulation, this is a brilliant game with a dedicated developer who has a proven record of working continually to improve his labour of love.

If you really just want a rush with pretty uniforms, stick with NTW etc.

Either way, the advice about the new demo is a good one.  Keep and eye out for it.  It will give you a good feel for the game, I expect. :)
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne gazfun

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It's not a twitcher game.  Whereas NTW or Scourge of War (excellent though the latter is) require you to race about and get the adrenalin pumping as you click here and there manically and get involved in low level flankings and foming squares and all that faff, LG is a more considered process.  The AI does all that little stuff.  You're the commander, not the corporal.  You can order particular units to attack other particular units, but after that it's the  AI that runs the local show, not you.  You don't get the adrenalin running by clicking madly.

If you want simulation, this is a brilliant game with a dedicated developer who has a proven record of working continually to improve his labour of love.

If you really just want a rush with pretty uniforms, stick with NTW etc.

Either way, the advice about the new demo is a good one.  Keep and eye out for it.  It will give you a good feel for the game, I expect. :)
Could not have said it better myself great Harry.
The other way of saying it is NTW is to little league and getting your appetite wet HWLG is to professional players like world soccer or like our AFL and having a good swim  :smile:

Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne Stefos

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Re : Hello All! I love the Napoleonic era and I have some questions for you
« Réponse #6 le: 20 avril 2012, 04:40:15 am »
Hi again everyone,

I recently, yesterday, bought the Napoleon pack HWLG!  Nice indeed!

Yes, this game is on a General's level (grand picture) while NTW is more on a sergeant's level (tactics & strategy mostly).

I'm going to print out all 4 books & the cards, even though the cards are coming in the mail.

Any insights about HWLG would be appreciated!
Stefos.......Thank You!

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Any insights about HWLG would be appreciated!
Study the manual more than you normally would do for a "game" and try to get involved with PBEM and/or MP via the HWMPL - or different groups involved with HW.

The game is simple enough to "play" with the order system being easy enough to master.

HW has so much depth it is not expected to "known" everything quickly, and that is part of the enjoyment, finding "new" things even after months/years of time spent with it.