Speaking of Hougomont and Haye buildings of Nix,i try Hougomont changing the file and all work fine.
But is possible using JSGMe obtain the same result ? whithout need to take backup of files.
Perhaps is better ask to Nix.
Yes Alf, this manual for JSGME program
1.Create folder WaterlooBuildingsMOD in MODS folder in Histwar folder
2. Put Graphics and Constante folders from MadRussianTerrain MOD in WaterlooBuildingsMOD folder
3. Delete Trees and T_Base folders
4. Put Trees folder from "Summer forest with natural colors" MOD in Graphics folder of your new WaterlooBuildingsMOD
5. Put files from LaHaye MOD ang from HugoMOD in T_Cons, M_Cons and in Constante folders (read Nix manual)
6. Download Nix "NewWaterloo" scenario with adapted new buildings
7. Enjoy