Bonsoir Lars,
Thank you for these ideas..
I must say the new GUI is very very different of LGAA one...
ASAP I'll diplay some screenshots...
but, for waiting...
On the screen, the players can see:
on the bottom left, informations about a Chief of Corps...
on the bottom right, informations about an Unit...
For example: 2 drafts of the right zone (it's not the final pictures)
Differents Orders, Organizations and Moral for Infantry
on the center, 12 + 24 slots...
12 pictures for the Corps' state (branch and colored state)
24 hemlets for the Units attached to the selected corps (8 different hemlets by country) and colored space to show the states
Left Click on one of these slots allows to display a contextual menu, and to select a Corps or an Unit...
If you Right Click on a slot, you go to the unit location on the map..
If the selected slot is a Corps, all units attached to this corps are displayed (24 hemlets) under the Corps Zone
I hope it's clear.. but it will be easy to understand with the Screenshots...
A bientôt