Auteur Sujet: Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives  (Lu 23663 fois)

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Avertissement – Warning

J'invite tous ceux qui ont téléchargé ce scénario avant le 21 avril 2011 à le télécharger à nouveau de manière à remplacer l'ancienne carte d'Heilsberg par la nouvelle (Heilsberg 1807 -----> dossier Map). Sur l'ancienne carte, il y avait un défaut graphique mineur et inesthétique à la base des bâtiments de la ville.
Le lien de téléchargement vers HistWar Download Archives est inchangé. 

I invite all those who downloaded this scenario before April 21, 2011 to download it again so as to replace the old map of Heilsberg by the new one (Heilsberg 1807 -----> Map folder). On the old map, there was a minor and unaesthetic graphic default at the bottom of the town's buildings.
The download link to HistWar Download Archives is unchanged.

Vous pouvez télécharger ce nouveau scénario sur le site officielYou can download this new scenario on the official site :
           HistWar Download Archives
-----> Catégorie "Scenarios" -----> Heilsberg 1807_satel_TL

Voici le lienHere is the link :

Scénario historique : la bataille de Heilsberg (10 juin 1807)
- carte de 10 km (créée avec reliefs satellitaires)
- ordres de bataille CEH 94 x 141

Historical scenario : the battle of Raab (14 june 1809)
- map of 10 km (created with satellite elevations)
- orders of battle CEH 94 x 141

Sources pour la carte - Map sources :
- Google Earth, Kings College STRM data page et le logiciel Scilab pour la création de reliefs satellitaires exactsGoogle Earth, Kings College STRM data page and  Scilab freeware for the creation of exact satellite elevations
- Google Maps pour les reliefs et les calquesGoogle Maps for reliefs and tracings

Sources historiques pour la bataille - Historical sources for the battle :

1. Revue Gloire et Empire n°13 – 1806/1807 La campagne de Pologne (3) p 45 – V. Chikanov
2. Napoleon, His Army and Enemies
3. Napoleon's Campaign in Poland 1806-1807 – F. Loraine Petre – chapter II p 285 - 1911
4. Friedland – La campagne de Pologne... - Frédéric Naulet – p 100 – 2007 – Ed Economica
5. Précis des événements militaires ou essais historiques sur les campagnes de 1799 à 1814 – Campagnes de 1806-1807 – Comte Mathieu Dumas - Tome IV p 264  - 1826
6. Histoire du Consulat et du Premier Empire : Robert Ouvrard - 2002
7. Battlefield Anomalies :
8. wikipedia fr :
9. wikipedia uk :

Cartes historiques :
Historical maps :

- Atlas to Alison's History of Europe, 1850

- Napoleon Series : map Archives

Sources historiques pour les Ordres de Batailles :
Historical sources for OoBs :

- Napoleon, His Army and Enemies

- wikipedia fr (OdB France) :

- Histoire du Consulat et du Premier Empire : Robert Ouvrard – 2002

- Fichiers pdf "Nafziger collection" – “Nafziger collection” pdf files
   # 807FAG French Forces – battle of Heilsburg

- Digby Smith : The Napoleonic Wars Data Book – p 247
Pour jouer un scénario historique, vous pouvez ouvrir le fichier  «scénario bataille historique» et suivre une proposition de déroulement de la bataille.
- note 1 : Pour que les combats durent jusqu'à 22h00, la saison a été réglée sur été.
- note 2 : La division Verdier a été détachée du Corps de Lannes du fait de son rôle particulier en fin de journée.

So as to play a historical scenario, you can open the file «scenario historical battle» and follow a suggestion of battle's development
- note 1 : For the fights last until 22:00, the season has been set to summer.
- note 2 : The division Verdier was detached from Lannes Corps because of its special role in the late afternoon.
Dans le dossier téléchargé «Heilsberg 1807», vous trouverez les dossiers suivants :
In the downloaded folder «Heilsberg 1807», you'll find the followings folders :

- Dossier HistWar HistWar Folder (in C:\HisWarGames\HistWar\ ...)
Map, Army, OoB, Scenari -----> choisir entre le fichier français et anglais et le placer dans sous-dossier French ou English du dossier Scenari
                                      -----> choose between the french or the english files and place it in the sub-folder French or English of the Scenari folder

- Dossier sources  – Sources folder
- fichier / file “Lisez-moi_Read me”
- fichier « scénario bataille historique » / file « scenario historical battle »
- F9 : les images pour construire la carte 2D (satellite, relief et plan)
  F9 : pictures to build the 2D map (satellite, relief and plan)
- carte 2D Heilsberg – 2D map Heilsberg
________________________________________________________________________________      Vous pouvez essayer de suivre le scénario historique en jouant alternativement les 2 camps. Vous pouvez aussi jouer librement, si vous le souhaitez.

You can try to follow the historical scenario playing alternatively both side. You can also play freely as you wish.

Bon jeu !
Have a funny game !

« Modifié: 21 avril 2011, 22:01:14 pm par Théodoricus »

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #1 le: 09 avril 2011, 20:19:06 pm »
Im download, now try to play, thanks for your work, i love historical battles! :D
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #2 le: 09 avril 2011, 21:11:40 pm »
Want ask one question, how do you know where was redoubts on the field? You be on field? When i make BorodinoHist scenario im use googlearth to draw redoubts because 4 russian redoubts and 2 french battarys was restored in 70th.
« Modifié: 09 avril 2011, 21:13:16 pm par Jacquinot »
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #3 le: 09 avril 2011, 21:45:35 pm »
Russian position looks very strong and nice :D
But in town you have some problem with elevations and i think russian architecture not best variant for Heilsberg :smile:
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #4 le: 09 avril 2011, 23:14:21 pm »
Hi Jaquinot,

Positions of the redoubts:
I think you'll agree with me that we can't go on every battlefields of Europe to create scenarios of historical battle.
To see the sources I utilize, you can look at the "Lisez-moi-Read me" file.

 I used the following sources :
 - the historian F. Loraine Petre in his book "Napoleon campaign in Poland" p 286 gives information on the positions and distances between the three redoubts in the north but it is still not very accurate
 I compared the data with the map in HistWar and the position of these three redoubts corresponded roughly to small mounds. And maybe you have seen that in the map editor, when you put a small object as a hamlet or redoubt, the ground subsides a bit ....
 -  map of website "napoleon series" :
 I did not find more precise informations.

 Problem for Heilsberg elevations :
 Indeed, there is a graphic problem for a part of the city. I didn't notice it.
 I will speak of this to JMM.

You know tere there isn't so much choice in the Map Editor for the architecture but, as you live in this country, could you tell me if there is a more accurate style to choose in the Map Editor ?

Nevertheless I hope you'll enjoy the scenario.


Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #5 le: 10 avril 2011, 09:25:57 am »
1. Im agree with you we can't visit all battlefields, :D i just want to know how you attach redoubts to field, thanks for answer.
2. Yes it a problem when ground subside, if you open my BorodinoSattelite map and watch on Raevsky redoubt you will see that redoubt looks like in crater because top of the hill very small and when you place redoubt on top you have crater effect, maybe in future JMM add some different redoubts: fleche, lunette, redan, etc, with different size and this problem will be fixed.
3.  Problem for Heilsberg elevations : i think you have this problem because you place three vilages very close to each other and  ground was subside not correctly.
4. I not live in Heilsberg(now in Poland) i live in Moscow(Russia) but Heilsberg was alot of times under german sway and i think you should use some german style buildings like this:
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #6 le: 10 avril 2011, 09:47:14 am »
And don't forget about castle in Heilsberg!
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #7 le: 10 avril 2011, 09:56:12 am »
3.  Problem for Heilsberg elevations : i think you have this problem because you place three vilages very close to each other and  ground was subside not correctly.
4. I not live in Heilsberg(now in Poland) i live in Moscow(Russia) but Heilsberg was alot of times under german sway and i think you should use some german style buildings like this:

3. and 4.
I think you're right. I would have like to create a bigger town and I tried to follow the meander of the river.
Although I fly all over the map to verify if all is correct, I've not been watchful enough on this part.
I'll try to modify this point and to put german style buildings instead.


Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #8 le: 10 avril 2011, 10:06:47 am »
I dont understand how you put villages so close? When i try to do this i have message - so close to some object!
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #9 le: 10 avril 2011, 11:20:34 am »
I dont understand how you put villages so close? When i try to do this i have message - so close to some object!
The reason is that, for the works I made alone and with my friends of the Peninsular War Group Mod, I got the statute of modder for HistWar.

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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The reason is that, for the works I made alone and with my friends of the Peninsular War Group Mod, I got the statute of modder for HistWar.

Im understand, you do some change in initDiag file or maybe in constante folder files.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #11 le: 10 avril 2011, 19:09:36 pm »
Im understand, you do some change in initDiag file or maybe in constante folder files.
Yes, thanks to JMM.

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #12 le: 17 avril 2011, 09:54:24 am »
And don't forget about castle in Heilsberg!

I had'n't seen this post last week.
You can see that I didn't forget the castle in Heilsberg.
It was on the right of the town, on the other bank of the river Alle.


Hors ligne Jacquinot

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I had'n't seen this post last week.
You can see that I didn't forget the castle in Heilsberg.
It was on the right of the town, on the other bank of the river Alle.


Yes i saw :D Just dont see at first time
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Bataille de Heilsberg 1807-sat elevations-HistWar Download Archives
« Réponse #14 le: 17 avril 2011, 09:59:13 am »
You use madRussian mod?
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."