Auteur Sujet: I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Lu 7852 fois)

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Hello Guys!
Anybody have idea how i can switch off AI activity when i dont give order to corps, i want that troops just STAND ON THEIR POSITIONS WITHOUT ANY ACTIVITY!!!  :evil: :evil: :evil: 
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Doyley

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #1 le: 29 mars 2011, 21:19:38 pm »
Surely one of the unique and realistic features of this simulation is that your subordinates might not follow your orders to the letter, they are up there and decide to act upon the circumstances from their perspective. Makes for a much better game, but it can certainly be annoying :?

Hors ligne thilio

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #2 le: 29 mars 2011, 21:56:02 pm »
An interesting thing i've seen sometimes, when you didn't give any order to corps, is that all units of this corps leave the battlefield with a gray dot (abandonment)  :twisted:

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #3 le: 29 mars 2011, 22:04:44 pm »
I think we need "hold position" buttom or something for corps AI, another metod that i use its detach units, but detached units have low morale level. Im lost Waterloo PBEM battle to Alfiere because all my units was detached, but if im not detache units i have too many uncontrolled actions. Its closed disk! :(
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #4 le: 29 mars 2011, 22:05:33 pm »
An interesting thing i've seen sometimes, when you didn't give any order to corps, is that all units of this corps leave the battlefield with a gray dot (abandonment)  :twisted:

yes it is
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #5 le: 29 mars 2011, 22:11:55 pm »
Surely one of the unique and realistic features of this simulation is that your subordinates might not follow your orders to the letter, they are up there and decide to act upon the circumstances from their perspective. Makes for a much better game, but it can certainly be annoying :?

Yes, but AI actions so stupid, for exemple, now im play PBEM Borodino battle with Alfiere and my battarys was placed in redoubts, but when French troops come closer to my redoubts my battarys leave cover and move in advance infront redoubts, looks like full idiocy!!!
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #6 le: 29 mars 2011, 22:25:21 pm »
I think for free battles its not important but for historical battles with historical(not free) deployment its real problem.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #7 le: 29 mars 2011, 22:32:41 pm »
You have to choose the doctrine you want;
Another action is to put a low initiative to all units of a Corps; for this, open the book and choose the Corps before hitting the icon <

That said, I am working on a new important feature (solo mode only)
For each action of Corps AI, the GUI will display a message to valid the order / choose the unit.
A filter will be able to enable /disable this new procedure to each Corps.
So, it will be possible to keep the present system for some corps and control the units for selected corps...

For example, CAV unit requests an ART to bomb at INF unit.
For example, if enabled, a dispatch is displayed like that:
a) cancel the request.
b) enable the unit found by the AI to do the action.
c) choose another ART unit to do the action.

Choice for next request:
For next request about this corps: cancel the request / enable the choice of AI / send a message

I hope to finish this new procedure before the end of April ;)


Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #8 le: 30 mars 2011, 00:08:01 am »
Welcome, Jaquinot, to the "real" war...  :mrgreen:

Jokes aside (I do not pretend, by far to even grasp what a real war is), a few sugestions:

- Do not approach this game with the spirit of micromanagement. Your are the Commander, but not God. You order, but your units more often than not will not do exactly what you expect. (in this respect, I am not even sure that I will enjoy the new feature that JMM is preparing...)
- Your units are not all the same. Some Corps/Generals are better in defensive roles than others. It's your duty to pick "the right man for the right job".
- If you want to play defensively, do not deploy your corps. Use and abuse of defensive lines. Use low initiative troops for this role (or change this setting).

That said, the game is not perfect, sometimes there are very strange behaviors, specially from the arty. Namely, they sometimes advance too much; sometimes they do not retreat when it's plain obvious they will be overrun; sometimes nearby units do nothing to protect them. But these problems have improved a lot, patch by patch, and nowadays are mostly present with Horse arty, less s on Foot arty.
I also have yet to grasp exactly what the interplay between initiative and ofensive/defensive behavior can do for the AI (yes, JMM, I am still waiting... :mrgreen:)

Finally, if you have been beaten by Alfiere, maybe he can give you good advice  ;). Or you can go back and loose a few battles to the AI  :mrgreen:

Best regards, relax and have fun !

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #9 le: 30 mars 2011, 01:26:42 am »
I NEVER leave a Corp without orders so I don't get this problem.  If I have a Corp in Reserve for example, I give it a Defend order or even a deploy order to the same place as they are sitting in March Column. AI probably intervenes because a Corp without a Defend or Deploy Order is in a dangerous position for a surprise attack

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #10 le: 30 mars 2011, 09:02:09 am »

That said, I am working on a new important feature (solo mode only)
For each action of Corps AI, the GUI will display a message to valid the order / choose the unit.
A filter will be able to enable /disable this new procedure to each Corps.
So, it will be possible to keep the present system for some corps and control the units for selected corps...


It is a pity  increase the gap between PBEM and Solo Mode.
Already now there are some little differences.
I continue to insist to make PBEM how Solo Mode Both Side (15 minues for side) with a very little work for not changing side ,pressing C.
Only little big problem there is not contemporary of orders between opponents.(player A give orders at 8.00 and player B can give orders only at 8.15) but has rilevance with 10 hours of battle?
There are always execution of residual orders of player A when playing player B and viceversa.
But also good advantage (no red screen and very similar to little MP of 15 minutes) with continue control of situation during 15 minutes of play.
The Histwar team should be to continue work only with Solo Mode and MP instead of PBEM , Solo Mode and MP.(2 job instead of 3)
There is someone that is agree with me?
« Modifié: 30 mars 2011, 09:29:02 am par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne JMM

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It is a pity  increase the gap between PBEM and Solo Mode.
Already now there are some little differences.
The Histwar team should be to continue work only with Solo Mode and MP instead of PBEM , Solo Mode and MP.(2 job instead of 3)
There is someone that is agree with me?

Why this feature only in solo : because this feature doesn't make any sense with the PBEM mode! why : because the player must immediately answer.

I continue to insist to make PBEM how Solo Mode Both Side (15 minues for side) with a very little work for not changing side ,pressing C.
The Histwar team should be to continue work only with Solo Mode and MP instead of PBEM , Solo Mode and MP.(2 job instead of 3)
There is someone that is agree with me?
But also good advantage (no red screen and very similar to little MP of 15 minutes) with continue control of situation during 15 minutes of play.

In my tasks list, an activity about a new system to have two steps by turn (et no three); so, this new procedure is the best for the PBEM mode; but, I have to work on all tasks and I have to make a choice: Fix up the bugs seems myself the high priority, no?


Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #12 le: 30 mars 2011, 10:09:12 am »
Yes , absolutely.
Ok JMM , i know that the game is a good hands.
I always have this fixation in my brain.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #13 le: 30 mars 2011, 16:59:03 pm »
You have to choose the doctrine you want;
Another action is to put a low initiative to all units of a Corps; for this, open the book and choose the Corps before hitting the icon <

That said, I am working on a new important feature (solo mode only)
For each action of Corps AI, the GUI will display a message to valid the order / choose the unit.
A filter will be able to enable /disable this new procedure to each Corps.
So, it will be possible to keep the present system for some corps and control the units for selected corps...

For example, CAV unit requests an ART to bomb at INF unit.
For example, if enabled, a dispatch is displayed like that:
a) cancel the request.
b) enable the unit found by the AI to do the action.
c) choose another ART unit to do the action.

Choice for next request:
For next request about this corps: cancel the request / enable the choice of AI / send a message

I hope to finish this new procedure before the end of April ;)


Thanks JMM, i be waiting, you are wargame lord! ;)
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : I HATE HISTWAR AI UNCONTROLED ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Réponse #14 le: 30 mars 2011, 19:26:55 pm »

- Do not approach this game with the spirit of micromanagement. Your are the Commander, but not God. You order, but your units more often than not will not do exactly what you expect. (in this respect, I am not even sure that I will enjoy the new feature that JMM is preparing...)

In many battles Napoleon by oneself show where must be placed artillery battarys, tell me please Napoleon is God or Commander?
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."