Welcome, Jaquinot, to the "real" war...

Jokes aside (I do not pretend, by far to even grasp what a real war is), a few sugestions:
- Do not approach this game with the spirit of micromanagement. Your are the Commander, but not God. You order, but your units more often than not will not do exactly what you expect. (in this respect, I am not even sure that I will enjoy the new feature that JMM is preparing...)
- Your units are not all the same. Some Corps/Generals are better in defensive roles than others. It's your duty to pick "the right man for the right job".
- If you want to play defensively, do not
deploy your corps. Use and abuse of
defensive lines. Use low initiative troops for this role (or change this setting).
That said, the game is not perfect, sometimes there are very strange behaviors, specially from the arty. Namely, they sometimes advance too much; sometimes they do not retreat when it's plain obvious they will be overrun; sometimes nearby units do nothing to protect them. But these problems have improved a lot, patch by patch, and nowadays are mostly present with Horse arty, less s on Foot arty.
I also have yet to grasp exactly what the interplay between initiative and ofensive/defensive behavior can do for the AI (yes, JMM, I am still waiting...

Finally, if you have been beaten by Alfiere, maybe he can give you good advice

. Or you can go back and loose a few battles to the AI

Best regards, relax and have fun !