Auteur Sujet: Patch 03a (RC4)  (Lu 19042 fois)

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #15 le: 03 avril 2011, 14:50:16 pm »
Gaz, have you applied the Engine Patch?
Engine Patch? dont fully understand what you mean
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Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #16 le: 03 avril 2011, 14:52:01 pm »
AJ, it was Cavalier, not Gaz, that is having "problems".

Online most times @ Xfire Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!
If my maths are correct that is 9am uk time.  

I could do that time now and then on a TUE or a THUR but Friday is my "busy" day.  I often don't get to even turn the pc on till late afternoon, but having said that I will make a note of this time in case I get a free morning one week, thanks.
« Modifié: 03 avril 2011, 14:54:06 pm par Gunner24 »

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Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #17 le: 03 avril 2011, 14:52:47 pm » Temporary Patch to correct internal engine probs before final release

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #18 le: 03 avril 2011, 15:27:11 pm »
 :smile: 8) but enough some curious behaviors... After working on the ART (foot, horse) I believe the next version will be very interesting for that; AI takes care the ART security and it will be more difficult to snap the ART units  ;)

Cavalry : some bad management of squadrons; a bit annoying to fix up but I must to do that.

F4 view .. some new adjustements

initiative - offensive/defensive character  : fixed but maybe you get bad values because these data were saved within the OoB?

a huge (but probably marginal) error  on the rout process; sometimes, an unit didn't rout albeit its loss was important :oops:

Corps AI : corps is locked on its front and can't move. At this time, I don't fix this annoying bug.

I have to check the link between the LOP and the moral after you made a report about th

All these points fixed for the next 03a (RC5)... perhaps official 03a  ;)


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Buildings "values" in the new GUI ?
« Réponse #19 le: 05 avril 2011, 00:20:39 am »
Is there any way to see in the new GUI the defensive value and damage of castles, hamlets, etc. as in the old GUI ? (see attached pic)

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Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #20 le: 05 avril 2011, 00:56:06 am »
No sure  ;)
I'll try to add these informations in a next version  :p


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Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #21 le: 18 avril 2011, 09:14:39 am »
Hello JMM
Any chance for an "Easter" egg, I mean,  patch ?  :mrgreen:

« Modifié: 18 avril 2011, 10:48:24 am par Franciscus »

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Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #22 le: 18 avril 2011, 09:20:38 am »
Yes....  ;)


Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : Patch 03a (RC4)
« Réponse #23 le: 19 avril 2011, 04:59:21 am »
AJ, it was Cavalier, not Gaz, that is having "problems".

Gaz.If my maths are correct that is 9am uk time.  

I could do that time now and then on a TUE or a THUR but Friday is my "busy" day.  I often don't get to even turn the pc on till late afternoon, but having said that I will make a note of this time in case I get a free morning one week, thanks.
You would be welcome, Rob would definatley appreciate a dedicated ally.
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
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