ON : like your pic / OFF : button colored red! Possible there is a bug with ART unit? It seems this was right for INF/CAV
This feature was in the previous version.. (hat in the right panel)
Ha, I get it now. There is no ART bug. The problem is that when we click on this button, the GUI "jumps up" immediately to the main set of buttons, and I was not seeing the red button. Nevertheless maybe some indication on the unit card on the right about the status of the AI would be useful (like in the old version, maybe ?)
No sure I understand. What is the difference?
click left on entity -> display the contectual menu with all items -> click on the item
click left on entity -> display the set of icons -> click on the icon
2 clicks for the 2 systems.. but I think there is something I don't understand
To me, it is just a matter of convenience. The number of clicks is the same, but in the old interface the contextual menu appears right beside the unit, we just have to make minimal mouse movements to get the job done, it just seems easier than having to go to the button bar to give an order to the unit...
I hope I am being clear. It is possible also that this is just a matter of time until I get used to the new GUI.