Historical Scenario Danube Campaign 1805
This Scenario depicts the war bewteen Austria, Russia Alliance against France in 1805
France must start with 75% of its army on the English Channel, and may not move till Austria and Russia DOW
Maximum Russian Troop commitment to the war was 100,000 troops or 50 SP. No more troops will be allowed as it was the treaty that was signed and agreed to bt Austria.
Austria, Russia must DOW on France in August Political Phase 1805. Russian Troops may not move beyond its borders till August Land Phase 1805.
Bavaria would and must be French Allied before the DOW on France.
Game starts January 1805 and finishes on the last Land Phase in December 1805.
Highest EiA VP is the Winner of the Campaign. VP points of Austria and France will only be counted in this scenario, as Russia will be acting as an ally on Austrian soil.