Austerlitz orders from 7 to 8
1)Orders (allied)
Langeron march in directions to Sokolnitz.
Liechtenstein in wrong position march to location specified in the plans (behind Langeron) cutting march of Langeron and also of Pribischewski causing to both a delay of 1 hour.(confusion)
Pribischewski March to Sokolnitz on the right of Langeron.
Doctorov attack Telnitz.
Miloradovich march also to Sokolnitz.
2)Orders (french)
nothing , but i must find the placement of St Hilarie and Vandamme for to move them.
When Napo ask to Soult how many time to reach th Pratzen , Soult reply 20 minutes (must calc the distance)
The attack of St Hilaire and Vandamme on Pratzen depends from position of Miloradoch,when him arrives on village of Pratzen the french attack is already started,the french must be already near the village.(is not possible establish a time,but certainly after the 8 )
It is necessary some calculations.
Hi Jacquinot.
I make a copy every hour of sav file,because if something wrong is not necessary restart all,but only from last file right.