Auteur Sujet: Austerlitz result draw 1:1  (Lu 46775 fois)

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #15 le: 31 janvier 2011, 10:34:31 am »
Weyrother plan and and starting deployment reading Langeron book.
(sorry for english)
Bagration must maintain startin position.
Liechtenstein position between Krub ? and Schlapanitz ? for one side and the two sides of the big road ?
First column Doctorov                                                              from Aujest unitl Telnitz
Second            Langeron                                                             advance to sokolnitz and Telnitz
Third              Pribischewski-Wimpfen                                  advance near the castle of Sokolnitz
Fourth            Kollowrath-Miloradovitch                             advance to Schlapanitz

I do not know where was     Krub , Dwaroschna heighs,Latin,Lesch

....(continue,i must read the book)
« Modifié: 31 janvier 2011, 17:59:07 pm par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #16 le: 31 janvier 2011, 14:12:02 pm »
1)In the night Napo made big movements of INF , probabily St Hilaire and Vandamme between Puntowitz and Pratzen,
but well-hidden.
Then in the starting deployment must move St Hilaire and Vandamme.

2)Langeron wrote that at 6.00 saw Liechtenstein at Pratzen village very close to me.
Then is confirmed that Langeron was at Pratzen village how Jacquinot deployment but Liechtenstein is a bit more
in advance.

Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #17 le: 31 janvier 2011, 18:20:53 pm »
Hi Alfiere!
Please write in detail what do you think we need to change in deployment.
« Modifié: 31 janvier 2011, 18:26:57 pm par Jacquinot »
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #18 le: 31 janvier 2011, 18:30:01 pm »
If im understand wright we need to change deployment of: 1) Vandamm and St Hilare divisions, 2) Napoleon command post 3) Dokhturov and Prebyshevsky corps.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #19 le: 31 janvier 2011, 18:46:35 pm »
Hi Jacquinot
Perhaps is better wait a moment maybe other informations.

The deployment is very good but i am noticed these informations.

1)St Hilaire and Vandamme between Puntowitz and Pratzen but nearest Puntowitz (night movements).
2)Liechtenstein cav a bit in advance,near Langeron.
3)Seems to me that First column Doctorov  should be to north to Aujest,but not much.

Then I want come back Napo of about 200-300 meter where releative highs is 44 meters.
only for to control what can see Napo at 6.00 in the morning.(for curiosity diffrence between 39 and 44 meters)

« Modifié: 31 janvier 2011, 19:09:46 pm par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #20 le: 01 février 2011, 09:42:30 am »
Done deployment.

Napo at 44 mt can see more troops at 6.00 in the morning.
Alex can see only some Lannes troops .
it's all theoretical but with satellite map is possible to know something more for curiosity.
I notice that something wrong.
Is the view not at 6.00 but later.
I delete pic , the right view in the next pic.
« Modifié: 02 février 2011, 12:24:37 pm par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #21 le: 01 février 2011, 12:31:15 pm »
Austerlitz from 6 to 7 hours.

1)Orders (French)
Bernadotte move to Girschlowitz and Puntovitz for to attack Blasowitz.
Lannes orders to defend Santon,Murat move  on the right of Lannes.
Davout in march to Telnitz.

1)Orders  (Allied)
Kienmayer move against Legrand (first fights at 7 hours) , follow by Doctorov with delay of 1 hours.

Hi Jacquinot , try together with these orders until 7 , taking some screenshots  or not ? (it is very complex follow step by step,hour for hour the orders of battle) .For to see if at then end is still a draw. What do you think?

« Modifié: 05 février 2011, 18:37:13 pm par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #22 le: 01 février 2011, 17:06:00 pm »
Austerlitz from 6 to 7 hours.

1)Orders (French)
(Chandler) Bernadotte move to Girschlowitz and Puntovitz for to attack Blasowitz.
(Chandler) Lannes orders to defend Santon,Murat move  on the right of Lannes.
(Chandler)Davout in march to Telnitz.

1)Orders  (Allied)
(Chandler) Kienmayer move against Legrand (first fights at 7 hours) , follow by Doctorov with delay of 1 hours.

Hi Jacquinot , try together with these orders until 7 , taking some screenshots  or not ? (it is very complex follow step by step,hour for hour the orders of battle) .For to see if at then end is still a draw. What do you think?

Ok, im try to play. Or we can play in multiplay with you in sunnday?
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #23 le: 01 février 2011, 17:37:05 pm »
I want to say try together in solo mode, play in solo a hour,then i found other orders reading book and continue next hour and so on.
So is historical battle with little AAR of only screenshot and little explanation every hour,also for to see if the final result is the same,with the same orders.(taking some interesting screenshots to post on this forum )
I do not know is only idea , but is also difficult.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #24 le: 01 février 2011, 18:01:53 pm »
I want to say try together in solo mode, play in solo a hour,then i found other orders reading book and continue next hour and so on.
So is historical battle with little AAR of only screenshot and little explanation every hour,also for to see if the final result is the same,with the same orders.(taking some interesting screenshots to post on this forum )
I do not know is only idea , but is also difficult.

Ok lets try.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #25 le: 01 février 2011, 18:17:00 pm »
In practice (proceeding very slow)
I post orders found on my books on forum, hours by hours.
We talking about on orders and discuss how proceed,maybe other help on forum.
Then i play in solo mode both side and giving orders for french and allied ,and at the end of 1 hours saved game.
You also.
Then post on forum screenshots and what happens in game in that hour .
and repeat until end.

example  of post
Austerlitz from 6. to 7 hours.
list of orders etc

Austerlitz from 7 to 8.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #26 le: 01 février 2011, 18:23:23 pm »
In practice (proceeding very slow)
I post orders found on my books on forum, hours by hours.
We talking about on orders and discuss how proceed,maybe other help on forum.
Then i play in solo mode both side and giving orders for french and allied ,and at the end of 1 hours saved game.
You also.
Then post on forum screenshots and what happens in game in that hour .
and repeat until end.

example  of post
Austerlitz from 6. to 7 hours.
list of orders etc

Austerlitz from 7 to 8.

And in what season we should play, winter or atum? Hot and dry or fogy
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #27 le: 01 février 2011, 18:30:53 pm »
I think in Autumn , hot and dry.
The 2 dicember was a beautiful day , only fog in the morning until 8 hours.(i think low fog)
The end of battle for map is better modify to 20 hours also probabily end before.
If is too much difficult proceed ,stop.
« Modifié: 01 février 2011, 18:38:40 pm par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #28 le: 01 février 2011, 18:38:01 pm »
I think in Autumn , hot and dry.
The 2 dicember was a beautiful day , only fog in the morning until 8 hours.(i think low fog)

2 deicember is new style, in old style it was atumn
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Austerlitz result draw 1:1
« Réponse #29 le: 01 février 2011, 18:51:40 pm »
at 6 to 7 am
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."