A most glorious victory for our beloved Emperor. A fitting tribute to the extroadinary work of the Moddding team, thank you from all at NBC.

France = Aj, Oho and Grog
Allies = Gunner24 and DougieJ
The "Dynamic Duo" put up a spirited fight but the superiority of the outnumbered French Army decimated the Allies. A simple plan, putting a wedge between Wellington and Blucher, worked like a dream.
Marshall Oho with his Guard Corps, held the right and made mincemeat of both Wellington and Blucher. I nominate Oho for a Gong!!!!!
Marshal Grog arriving late with the lame excuse of reinstalling Xfire (he was in the Pub), held the Center then countered with a fine attack to the N west.
As for myself, D'Erlon with the help of Kellermans Cavalry rolled up the Allied right