It doesn't mean that they were deployed before the artillery. If the artillery is in the little mount wich start à the 21st km, it could mean that the infantry was behind protected by the mountside.
Hello Bibouba,
That could indeed be an explanation. But Canler says that they first went on the ridge where the grand battery was installed.
According to you this would mean that they went on the mount of 21st km in rear of the grand battery and then went back down in the ravine. Why not?
But in that case, we come back to the problem of ammunition caissons which were placed behind the grand battery and would have disorganised the the Ist corps. Nothing is solved
And it still doesn't explain :
1/how the big columns went through the grand battery and caissons on the march to the allied line. A batalion deployed in line is very difficult to manoeuver and is almost only able to go forward.
2/what was the second position where reserve batteries went before the charge of the heavy brigade as stated by Gourgaud and Dessales
3/how the grand battery was brought on the ridge at the 21st km
4/why, in that case, was the effect of the grand battery so weak on allied troops. Mister Damiens says "Les témoignages cités par Siborne, celui du baron van Zuylen van Nijevelt[36], tous ceux des témoins de ce côté du champ de bataille sont d’accord : on eut à subir de cruelles pertes, avant même d’avoir pu tirer un coup de mousquet"
On the other hand the map from Adkins you gave shows that the effect of the grand battery was poor.
I read Waterloo letters of Siborne from the Kempt en Pack brigades. They don't talk about cruel casulaties before firing a shot. They don't heaven mention the fire of the grand battery. It seems they were not so impressed.
It's possible that van Zuylen van Nijveldt tlaks about it but he was placed with the Bijlandt brigade on top of the ridge. In sight and in the range of 12 lbs french guns wherever they were placed.
As far as I currently know the easiest way