Auteur Sujet: Belgium Campaign 1815  (Lu 138646 fois)

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #240 le: 28 février 2011, 18:48:25 pm »
Now repeat with 350 mt.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #241 le: 28 février 2011, 18:54:50 pm »
Very similar.
350 mt.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #242 le: 28 février 2011, 18:58:07 pm »
I cant see where the 1st ridge and where 2nd
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #243 le: 28 février 2011, 19:00:17 pm »
Yes,only undulation of terrain.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #244 le: 28 février 2011, 19:10:44 pm »
Yes,only undulation of terrain.

And where is undulation?
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #245 le: 28 février 2011, 19:18:48 pm »
« Modifié: 28 février 2011, 19:20:54 pm par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #246 le: 28 février 2011, 19:33:10 pm »
In the screenshot of map editor the slopes are little more evident than screenshot of LG map .
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #247 le: 28 février 2011, 19:33:17 pm »
« Modifié: 28 février 2011, 19:35:26 pm par Jacquinot »
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne bibouba

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #248 le: 01 mars 2011, 17:24:30 pm »
normaly the first slope is behind the road if i see well the pictures

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #249 le: 01 mars 2011, 18:21:03 pm »
Using map double slope.
Follow the first vertical road  on the right of Belle Alliance

start with 136 mt , always decrease until 100 and then increase until 112
with this profile there are not hidden point for french.
it is also not possible create it by hand ,because after copy highV4 .hgh the ground is not modifiable with map editor.

« Modifié: 02 mars 2011, 08:59:18 am par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #250 le: 05 mars 2011, 10:52:18 am »
Add 2° ridge to waterloo.
What do tou think?
If is ok i can rework it with reliefs with 0 meters and try to use with your map with vegetation ,overwriting HihgV4.HGH.
how in 3a pic,i have controlled,french behind ridge are not visible
« Modifié: 05 mars 2011, 11:47:20 am par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #251 le: 05 mars 2011, 13:33:12 pm »
Add 2° ridge to waterloo.
What do tou think?
If is ok i can rework it with reliefs with 0 meters and try to use with your map with vegetation ,overwriting HihgV4.HGH.
how in 3a pic,i have controlled,french behind ridge are not visible

You done hard work :D but in reality french troops are visible behind this ridge or not?
You want play this variant?
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Re : Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #252 le: 05 mars 2011, 16:50:00 pm »
You done hard work :D but in reality french troops are visible behind this ridge or not?
You want play this variant?

but in reality french troops are visible behind this ridge or not?
I think of not,if now there is hidden point at Waterloo.

You want play this variant?
Why not.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Jacquinot

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Belgium Campaign 1815
« Réponse #253 le: 05 mars 2011, 17:07:31 pm »
but in reality french troops are visible behind this ridge or not?
I think of not,if now there is hidden point at Waterloo.

You want play this variant?
Why not.

Visible or not, i think GB distance is 600m :D
Now im read where was GB in Borodino battle.
Glinka F.N. The memoirs of  Borodino battle. - "...screams of commanders and howls of despair on ten different languages was drowned by cannonade and drumbeat..."