Bonjour JMM
Personally I don't think you should upgrade LGAA after the 2.0 release. I rather see your time and efforts go to LGdN upgrades and the new games instead. :wink:
LGAA V2.00 will be the last release!How will walls and houses be affected by cannon balls?Will defending soldiers get their morale lowered as the walls breaks?
And will the walls/buildings get damaged visually too?
How about fighting in general? Are fighting animated?
About fighting...
All vertical objects stop the trajectories of cannons balls.. The dammages are computed with the parameters:
a/ coefficient of defense.. ie, if the value is 3, the lost are divide by 3...
b/ the density.. for each organisation, we define a density.. light for line, important for column, variable for defensive line... (from 3 to 12)
c/ kind of cannon (12£, 8£, howitzer...)
no random process is used!
So, a cannon shots at a village:
defensive parameter : 3
density : 5
french cannon ball 12£ : 14
loss is: min (5,12) / 3 -> 5/3! Not 1
because all losses are added to get a final figure...
The howitzer doesn't use the min method! loss is 10 / 3 (the density isn't used)
The moral is modified by the losses, when the ART ou INF shots at the unit, behind the walls.. which sometimes are broken... :wink:
At the begining of the design, I have done a list with a lot of details.. but it's very difficult to manage because I had to find the good level of action for each! no sense! And I am no sure I can find a rule to modify the morale when the wall is broken
Today yet, there are a lot of parameters.. Maybe I'll list them in the HistWar's manual user.. (maybe
Yes, for the objects: fire, smoke, broken wall, modification of textures... I hope we get a good result for this kind of wargame.
All soldiers are animated! We are working with a re-enactment unit, and I think we get a good animation for the Melee :P
/Lars L.
P.S. Don't be so hard on your self about the delays. I have never heard of a game developer that released something on time before.
but I must terminate Les Grognards ASAP
Edit : Please.. replace Terminate with