Dresden15k - France 300 ceh, Allies 252 ceh - 10 hour Battle, Orders/Delayed, Info/Vague & Ammunition/Historical
France - Aj
Allies - Gunner 24 & DouggieJ
France get a Strategic win (the only kind that counts in the Campaign)
France used a more cautious tactic today. We pressured the Allied Right and by micromanaging our Artillery, managed to destroy a sizable number of Allied Cannon.
Across the river a French Corps on Defense by the bridge, detained the Danish Elite. When the Allies Counter Attacked in the final 2 hours of the battle, this Corp was able to transfer reserves over the Northern bridge to the Center. The Center held well and had a fresh cavalry Corp in reserve.
As usual the "Dynamic Duo" put up a great fight, even when they don't win, they manage to inflict a lot of damage, Well fought guys!!!
First screen shows the French plan in Red and how it changed in Blue, the second screen is at the Battle end, third is CEH & lastly the current Campaign position with the Allies to move next