Auteur Sujet: Artillery Recoil  (Lu 6856 fois)

Hors ligne AJ

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Artillery Recoil
« le: 07 octobre 2010, 15:11:04 pm »
A new unit status in the unit card for Artillery since last 2 patches "Artillery Recoil".
What does this mean?

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #1 le: 07 octobre 2010, 17:30:32 pm »
Hello AJ, from JMM on another topic, in the Grenadiers forum.
Yes.. you are right.
This message is sent when an ART unit is shooted by cannons.
In this case, if the Artillery power is lower than the ENY one, the unit have to return in order to avoid to be broken.
Possible I have to adjust some parameters for this new feature...
There are some other adjustments about the ARTillery in the last version.

Please, if you find some very bad behaviors:
a) upload your file onto the depot
b) send an email to (but I prefer a).. more easy to manage)

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #2 le: 07 octobre 2010, 18:11:21 pm »
A new unit status in the unit card for Artillery since last 2 patches "Artillery Recoil".
What does this mean?

THX Gunner24.. I didn't see the request.. sorry AJ


Hors ligne GoldSabre

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #3 le: 18 novembre 2010, 19:41:57 pm »
It may be just a matter of semantics or translation, but I'd suggest statement of "Artillery Crew Withdrawal" as "Recoil" naturally brings to mind the tendency of physical recoil of a firearm itself. That is, if I understand the explanation correctly.

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #4 le: 18 novembre 2010, 21:22:27 pm »
Recoil is the proper English word.


Hors ligne GoldSabre

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #5 le: 18 novembre 2010, 22:10:50 pm »
I'm sure. As I'm about to do.

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #6 le: 19 novembre 2010, 09:10:27 am »
I'm sure. As I'm about to do.

You're ok, GoldSabre.  The word "recoil" is not commonly used today to mean a unit retreating, and I don't think it's even commonly used that way by the military.  But if you've read much from the Napoleonic period, "recoil" was used a lot to describe a unit that had been forced back.  So, in period terms it's correct usage, and people might as well get used to period terminology.

I do agree that "artillery recoil" might be a bit confusing.  I haven't seen it in the game yet, but it might refer to artillery "retreat by recoil" where the guns were not run up to their original position after each shot.


Hors ligne Petrus58

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #7 le: 19 novembre 2010, 11:06:27 am »
I have certainly seen, over the years, the use of word recoil in a number of tabletop wargames rules in this context - and not just for the Napoleonic period - but agree that I don't think it has common useage today.

Hors ligne GoldSabre

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #8 le: 25 novembre 2010, 03:07:57 am »
I'm not a student of military or periods.  That was just an ignorant suggestion on my part. I'm having a little difficulty comprehending some of the explanations in manual. Could be due to my american english. Although I must say, it seems incredibly smart production.

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Artillery Recoil
« Réponse #9 le: 25 novembre 2010, 14:22:01 pm »
I'm having a little difficulty comprehending some of the explanations in manual. Could be due to my american english. Although I must say, it seems incredibly smart production.

The manual probably needs a good glossary.  If there is anything you don't understand, feel free to ask and someone will answer.  If you have questions, other people will as well.
