Auteur Sujet: Re : Patch 02d  (Lu 20712 fois)

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #30 le: 01 septembre 2010, 14:08:58 pm »
I have the same problem with my ATI,RadeonHD2600. And the problem is presenra by 2b, if I remember right

Now I'm lucky guys, I don't know why my ATI HD 4200 doesn't give me problems. I ended up with this card in my new laptop because all the other specs I was looking for were right. In general I do not like ATI cards for gaming. My local computer guy swears by Nvidia. I took a risk and lucked out :p :p :p

Hors ligne kiva

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #31 le: 01 septembre 2010, 15:22:29 pm »
Pour ce nouveau patch, il sera mis à disposition plus tard donc ?

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #32 le: 01 septembre 2010, 18:29:19 pm »
Full MP battle test with new patch this morning was very good. However battle end screen and stats etc.. not working will post on Redmine. Very happy with the Battle though

Hors ligne kiva

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #33 le: 01 septembre 2010, 19:39:21 pm »
Ah OK, il est dispo  :oops: bon je vais le tester demain à l'aube  ;)

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #34 le: 02 septembre 2010, 00:09:21 am »
This problem appears with the new version 2 with the ATI Graphic board.
I thought it was fixed after the version 02c.. but not!
I'll try with my ATI configuration on Haslach. BTW, do you get this trouble with the map editor?


I tested Haslach:

In the map editor, NO graphics bugs are apparent !
In battle, graphics bugs as described.

So, indeed, the issue must be related to the presence of 3d units...
Why in Haslach and not, say, in Friedland ? Could it be related to the fact that Haslach is a small map and the units are smaller (ie, related to the ratio of figurines to actual men in formations ?)


Hors ligne Cavalier

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #35 le: 02 septembre 2010, 00:18:08 am »
Please confirm that you can load 2d (RC2) directly over 2c.

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #36 le: 02 septembre 2010, 00:31:52 am »
Please confirm that you can load 2d (RC2) directly over 2c.

Yes Mate you can and we did and it works

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #37 le: 02 septembre 2010, 11:03:32 am »

Patch02d RC3
Patch to apply to HistWar both Version 2c and 2d (RCx)

Bad calculus of result fixed  ;)


RC:  Release Candidate (version with potential to be a final product...)

Hors ligne kiva

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #38 le: 02 septembre 2010, 11:06:16 am »
Had time for a quick battle with patch 2d RC2 - Haslach. For the first time since release, I noticed a bad graphic bug in 3d views (see pic). My GC is an ATI 5750, I have not changed either the card or the drivers (ATI 10.4)  but that's the first time I have seen this. The bad graphics appear mainly when I rotate quickly the camera, but sometimes also changing the elevation. It DOES not appear to be limited to having French units present, even right-clicking on an empty spot on 2d map gives this bug, sometimes.

On the other hand, no problems with ordering/moving units or with the F4 view...

A quick tour on Friedland did not showed this graphic bug...

I had already played Haslach a few months ago, and I do not remember seeing this. Could it be the problem kiva has reported already with ATI cards ??

I have the same problem with my ATI,RadeonHD2600.
And the problem is presenra by 2b, if I remember right.

Curiously, I have no bug with this battle! (Haslach)
Curieusement, je n'ai pas de bug avec cette bataille ! (Haslach)
« Modifié: 02 septembre 2010, 11:07:58 am par kiva »

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #39 le: 02 septembre 2010, 11:49:50 am »

Patch02d RC3
Patch to apply to HistWar both Version 2c and 2d (RCx)

Bad calculus of result fixed  ;)


RC:  Release Candidate (version with potential to be a final product...)

Thnks JMM  :)

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #40 le: 02 septembre 2010, 14:58:18 pm »
When does he sleep? :roll:

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #41 le: 02 septembre 2010, 17:01:34 pm »
Report:  Full MP fought with new patch against Bibouba, ALL IS PERFECT.
Battle screens show Tac and Strat, no error 1a, C in C moved throughout battle. The best I have seen HLG run.
Congratulations JMM :smile: :smile: :smile:

Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #42 le: 03 septembre 2010, 03:18:05 am »
It seems that the important bugs are almost vanished.
Maybe the time is coming to extend the doctrine edition so that XVIIIth century fashioned linear armies (like the Austrian and Prussian in the beginning of the period) can be historically played.   :mrgreen:

But only after a few nights of good restoring sleeping, JMM.  ;)

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #43 le: 03 septembre 2010, 12:23:16 pm »
My dear friends Aj and Marquês, let me respectfully disagree.

Saying the all is perfect or that most important bugs are gone is not IMHO the best way to look at the present state of things.
Granted, huge improvements have been made in these almost 8 months since release. Nevertheless, annoying and important  problems remain, ranging from the non-functioning "Esc" key menus, graphics bugs in 3d in some absolutely regular graphic cards configurations, weird 3d animations, suicidal arty, lack of proper inter-arms support (specially in defense), etc.
More, some important features are still lacking - namely, the non-functioning orders and AI at Divisional/brigade level and the impossibility still to play as a corps-commander (a big plus to me). Not to mention the issue about "historical" starting positions and battle plans, which, granted, is open to debate, and some other features that if present would greatly increase playability (to name just one: zoom in 2d Map)
So, not to diminish in any way JMM huge work and devotion, but the game has still a long way to go before we start worrying about linear doctrines  ;)

BTW, Marquês: HWLG pretends to be a simulation of Napoleonic warfare beginning in 1805 onwards. My question is a result of my ignorance, but in 1805 did the Austrians still used 18th century tactics/doctrines, after having already fought revolutionary/Napoleonic armies for more than 10 years ?

« Modifié: 03 septembre 2010, 12:34:08 pm par Franciscus »

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Re : Patch 02d
« Réponse #44 le: 03 septembre 2010, 14:22:31 pm »
Saying the all is perfect or that most important bugs are gone is not IMHO the best way to look at the present state of things.

My friend Franciscus, I apologies for my inaccuracy, "All is Perfect", was referring to MP now running reliably, with the Battle Stats screens working again. For me this is my most important thing, I am a dedicated MP player and now the "Wars" can begin

Like you, I have also been a vocal advocate of Division/Brigade control but I see this as an evolution not a bug.

Best Regards