My dear friends Aj and Marquês, let me respectfully disagree.
Saying the all is perfect or that most important bugs are gone is not IMHO the best way to look at the present state of things.
Granted, huge improvements have been made in these almost 8 months since release. Nevertheless, annoying and important problems remain, ranging from the non-functioning "Esc" key menus, graphics bugs in 3d in some absolutely regular graphic cards configurations, weird 3d animations, suicidal arty, lack of proper inter-arms support (specially in defense), etc.
More, some important features are still lacking - namely, the non-functioning orders and AI at Divisional/brigade level and the impossibility still to play as a corps-commander (a big plus to me). Not to mention the issue about "historical" starting positions and battle plans, which, granted, is open to debate, and some other features that if present would greatly increase playability (to name just one: zoom in 2d Map)
So, not to diminish in any way JMM huge work and devotion, but the game has still a long way to go before we start worrying about linear doctrines
BTW, Marquês: HWLG pretends to be a simulation of Napoleonic warfare beginning in 1805 onwards. My question is a result of my ignorance, but in 1805 did the Austrians still used 18th century tactics/doctrines, after having already fought revolutionary/Napoleonic armies for more than 10 years ?