Had time for a quick battle with patch 2d RC2 - Haslach. For the first time since release, I noticed a bad graphic bug in 3d views (see pic). My GC is an ATI 5750, I have not changed either the card or the drivers (ATI 10.4) but that's the first time I have seen this. The bad graphics appear mainly when I rotate quickly the camera, but sometimes also changing the elevation. It DOES not appear to be limited to having French units present, even right-clicking on an empty spot on 2d map gives this bug, sometimes.
On the other hand, no problems with ordering/moving units or with the F4 view...
A quick tour on Friedland did not showed this graphic bug...
I had already played Haslach a few months ago, and I do not remember seeing this. Could it be the problem kiva has reported already with ATI cards ??