Auteur Sujet: Formation for Defence Line  (Lu 29019 fois)

Hors ligne AJ

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  • Sir Arthur Wellesley
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Formation for Defence Line
« le: 11 août 2010, 02:20:01 am »
Question, when commanding the French and ordering a "Defence Line", what is the concensus of whether the line should form in "Mixed order, Column or Line"? What situations influence which formation you use?

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #1 le: 11 août 2010, 04:46:57 am »
A defensive line is just that, a line, to maximize firepower.  It will be backed up by reserve battalions and their formation would depend on the circumstances at the moment.  This is what happens currently, although I'm not sure what formation the reserve battalions use, or if they change.


Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #2 le: 11 août 2010, 18:07:33 pm »
I've recently sent JMM a proposal to allow more control over the "Deploy on line" order, being able to specify which formation to use in the 1st and 2nd line.
Current HW-LG tactics are too French-oriented and do not allow the simulation of e.g. the Austrian army in the beginning of the period in question.

Regarding the the "Defend in Line" order, I think that it is fine as it is. Maybe it could be improved if you were able to optionally enforce that the troops should be deployed behind the defined line, so that you are sure that your troops do not try to deploy too much ahead of the line.

(Question: how to define "behind" when you have enemy units located at different directions? As far as I know, it does not matter to draw the lines from right to left or vice versa...)

Hors ligne AJ

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  • Sir Arthur Wellesley
    • Napoleonic Battle Corp
Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #3 le: 11 août 2010, 18:52:50 pm »
"Mixed order, Column or Line"? What situations influence which formation you use?

I hear all you guys are saying but my question is more as to "What circumstances influence your selection of Mixed Order, Line or Column", when forming a Defense line?

Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #4 le: 11 août 2010, 19:55:02 pm »
I hear all you guys are saying but my question is more as to "What circumstances influence your selection of Mixed Order, Line or Column", when forming a Defense line?
Oh, ok. I understand. You mean the current options. Have you made any experiments? It is odd that those options are given, since the manual says that each unit will rush to the designated position with no care for keeping the formation. So regiments should always choose column formation, then deploy and change to line.

Maybe - this is just a guess - those options only affect the 2nd line regiments of the corps.


Hors ligne AJ

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  • Sir Arthur Wellesley
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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #5 le: 11 août 2010, 20:25:59 pm »
Oh, ok. I understand. You mean the current options. Have you made any experiments? It is odd that those options are given, since the manual says that each unit will rush to the designated position with no care for keeping the formation. So regiments should always choose column formation, then deploy and change to line.

Maybe - this is just a guess - those options only affect the 2nd line regiments of the corps.

MDA, it is a given that they rush there as quick as they can mate. the options being discussed are essential, they allow you to select which formation they adopt AFTER they arrive and deploy. This, my friend is the object of my question.

Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #6 le: 11 août 2010, 20:41:11 pm »
MDA, it is a given that they rush there as quick as they can mate. the options being discussed are essential, they allow you to select which formation they adopt AFTER they arrive and deploy. This, my friend is the object of my question.
I've never tested it, but I think that the 1st line regiments always form in line. The reserve regiments might adopt different formations.
The best is to make an experiment.

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #7 le: 11 août 2010, 20:49:18 pm »
I may be wrong, but I think that the only order that results in the corps's units "rushing" as quick as they can to the destination is when you give a march order. In all other cases corps go through several phases, namely "concentration", and they march orderly to the destination.

Nevertheless, I am also not sure about the relevance of giving line/column/mixed order orders have when we order a defensive line (the way they march ?? I think not...). But it is a fact that when they form a defensive line the front regiments form in LINE, as Hook stated.


Hors ligne AJ

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  • Sir Arthur Wellesley
    • Napoleonic Battle Corp
Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #8 le: 11 août 2010, 20:58:19 pm »
Thankyou to Franciscuss MDA and Hook. You fight 100's of hours of HLG and suddenly you wonder about something :idea:

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #9 le: 11 août 2010, 21:03:56 pm »
AFAIK you (and maybe G24) are the champions of HWLG in hours played... ;)  :mrgreen:

I only wish I had 1/10 of your available time to play... :cry:

Best regards

Hors ligne AJ

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  • Sir Arthur Wellesley
    • Napoleonic Battle Corp
Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #10 le: 11 août 2010, 21:23:33 pm »
AFAIK you (and maybe G24) are the champions of HWLG in hours played...   

I only wish I had 1/10 of your available time to play...

Best regards

Franciscuss, we may have played a lot but we are nowhere near being Champions, i play a lot and lose a lot :roll: :roll:

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #11 le: 11 août 2010, 21:23:42 pm »
I may be wrong, but I think that the only order that results in the corps's units "rushing" as quick as they can to the destination is when you give a march order.
I think you are correct.  I use this often when in the rear and safe from enemy attack, mainly to re-deploy from one area of the battlefield to another.

In all other cases corps go through several phases, namely "concentration", and they march orderly to the destination.
Yes, I believe so as well.

Nevertheless, I am also not sure about the relevance of giving line/column/mixed order orders have when we order a defensive line (the way they march ?? I think not...). But it is a fact that when they form a defensive line the front regiments form in LINE, as Hook stated.
I'm not so sure about this, I will try to check next time, is the first line ALWAYS in line ?.  I thought (I could well be wrong) that they deployed in line,  column, or mixed order depending which you select.  

As to when to use each, I find it depends on if your flanks are safe, the length of line to be covered and what your trying to do.

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #12 le: 11 août 2010, 23:01:52 pm »
I may be wrong, but I think that the only order that results in the corps's units "rushing" as quick as they can to the destination is when you give a march order. In all other cases corps go through several phases, namely "concentration", and they march orderly to the destination.

Well, I was indeed wrong, as is often the case... :mrgreen:

According to the manual, the defend on line order is also carried away as quickly as possible by the individual units...
(pic, from page 31 of the manual). I was convinced otherwise, anyway... :roll:

Sorry and best regards

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #13 le: 11 août 2010, 23:53:20 pm »
Ahhhh, so much to remember in this game !.

Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Formation for Defence Line
« Réponse #14 le: 12 août 2010, 22:52:31 pm »
I have one question (maybe a stupid one).

What is the difference between the "normal" Line formation of a regiment and the "defense" Line formation? Since the icons change, I wonder if these formations are not the same.