I really don't see your point here....having seen that you are a historically interested man.....you should know that there were differences between bataillons deploying in line but ready to move forward and bataillons deploying in line to hold a certain line without any offensive interest.....I think this is shown by the difference between line and defensive line in HWLG - you would never have men kneel when a bataillon will soon be advancing - there is simply no time for that!
Dear Count,
Of course I know that. However we are talking about a static line formation. If all men are standing (ready to move forward) and suddenly you see the enemy column advancing towards them, if you intend to remain static, it is not difficult to order your front-rank men to kneel. It is also not difficult to take a different decision and just order your men to charge home when the enemy is close enough (as the British used to do).
In HWLG, you cannot micromanage these things, so it is desirable that the Regimental staff will do it for you.
My point is: if the regiment is static, and its the commander intends to receive the attack is a static posture, he will give the orders in a way that favors this intention. In order words, if your interpretation is correct, he would promptly order a change from "normal line" to "defensive line". If this consists on little more than kneeling the first rank, this would not take much time to be implemented, since the relative position of ranks and files would remain the same.
My interpretation - i.e. that the "defensive line" represents using the cover provided by the terrain features, fences, etc - would justify much better that a different "line" representation is included in the game. But then there are other consequences that seem not to be addressed.
But again, I would like to know JMM's interpretation because that is the most important.