Auteur Sujet: Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League  (Lu 71823 fois)

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #30 le: 11 août 2010, 18:28:44 pm »
But of course the numbers have to be there I mean you cant put on a movie if there is no one there to watch it.

Absolutely agree their. I don't have any idea how many people are fighting at INWC, LDI or any other Club/Clan
I can only attest to the growing numbers at NBC. We have MP battles daily, sometimes 2, and  a core group of 8 Generals, growing weekly.

10 mins ago we finished a 2 V 2, me, G24, Dougie J, and Nap Lrd and it was a very bloody draw, great fun :smile: Don't seem to have much of a problem coordinating time Zones. The aforementioned Battle was started at 0630 pst, I am in USA, G24 in UK, Dougie J in UK and Nap Lrd in Turkey.

So I guess the Movie showing over at NBC has a decent audience. :)

It would be great if the guys at the other Clubs/Clans etc... could post here and let us know how the activity is going at their end. So Gazfun, Kiva and others, it would help to get an idea on the numbers involved in you respective homes
« Modifié: 11 août 2010, 18:31:23 pm par ajlewisbrookes »

Hors ligne kiva

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #31 le: 11 août 2010, 19:12:39 pm »
In the clan "La Division Infernale"  we are four so far, little by another team should be formed, after other members of the 1st Brigade of Light Cavalry, but he must be allowed time to time ...

To see you soon on the battlefield  ;)


Hors ligne Belliard

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #32 le: 11 août 2010, 19:14:38 pm »
La Division Infernale, est actuellement en séance d'entrainement, mais très bientôt nous passerons à l'offensive soyez en sur.


The Infernal Division, is at present in session of training, but very soon we shall go onto the attack be on.

Kind regards,

General, A.D Belliard.

Hors ligne AJ

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  • Sir Arthur Wellesley
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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #33 le: 11 août 2010, 20:53:54 pm »
In the clan "La Division Infernale"  we are four so far, little by another team should be formed, after other members of the 1st Brigade of Light Cavalry, but he must be allowed time to time ...

To see you soon on the battlefield 


La Division Infernale, est actuellement en séance d'entrainement, mais très bientôt nous passerons à l'offensive soyez en sur.


The Infernal Division, is at present in session of training, but very soon we shall go onto the attack be on.

Kind regards,

General, A.D Belliard


Excellent gentlemen, we are at a similar stage. Training is in progress, especially in the area of F9 communications. We have 2 Clans declaring and I am sure more to come. We have our Ambassadors and our agreed venue. When our training is completed and rules of engagement agreed upon, we will meet on the field of battle.  Not only for the honor of our Armies but also for the honor of Histwar Les Gronards.

With our Compliments,

Excellent Messieurs, nous sommes à un stade équivalent. La formation est en cours, en particulier dans le domaine des communications F9. Nous avons 2 clans déclarant et je suis sûr que d'autres à venir. Nous disposons de nos ambassadeurs et nos sites. Lorsque notre formation est terminée et les règles d'engagement convenu, nous allons nous rencontrer sur le champ de bataille. Non seulement pour l'honneur de nos armées, mais aussi pour l'honneur de HistWar Gronards Les.

Avec nos compliments,

Hors ligne Napoleonic Wargaming

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #34 le: 12 août 2010, 01:22:50 am »
Can't get one day off eh!  :D

I will respond privately to some concerns that were aired here about the iNWC.  I am a little upset at the moment.....

But for the record, I support NapLrd's efforts, we are all about gaming in any venue and I have spent a long time getting to know people in the various organizations to have it all dumped out the window in one day.

So please do NapLrd continue your efforts as we all continue to better understand what each other does.  8)

The iNWC will be glad to be a part of this effort.
Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Club Public Relations Officer

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #35 le: 12 août 2010, 01:37:20 am »
Had a training game with Gunner now. The  "Crash" message we got 2 hours before the end of the battle saved me.

Haaaa !!!!!!!!!!! we did a 2 V 2 this morning no probs except it was bloody and me amd NapLrd held their Royal Majesty's g24 and Dougie j to a draw Haaaa !!!!!  :mrgreen: :roll:. JMM is on that "error 1a" crash thing. I think it's something to do with custom OOB and custom Map combos.  HW supplied OOB's and Maps don't have the problem.
Thursday morning in Xfire nbc multiplayer lobby at 0630 - 0700 hrs, see you there Lancier mate :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #36 le: 12 août 2010, 08:24:59 am »
Haaaa !!!!!!!!!!! we did a 2 V 2 this morning no probs except it was bloody and me amd NapLrd held their Royal Majesty's g24 and Dougie j to a draw Haaaa !!!!! 
We did quite well AJ, they are the A team of NTW and now becoming for Histwar as well mate. ;)

Can't get one day off eh!  :D

I will respond privately to some concerns that were aired here about the iNWC.  I am a little upset at the moment.....

But for the record, I support NapLrd's efforts, we are all about gaming in any venue and I have spent a long time getting to know people in the various organizations to have it all dumped out the window in one day.

So please do NapLrd continue your efforts as we all continue to better understand what each other does.  8)

The iNWC will be glad to be a part of this effort.
I think there was a little misunderstanding above Scott, thats all, otherwise everyone here know each other well ...

Thanks for your comments, hope we ll succeed together. I think i now deserved 1 extra point for our Prussian army General der Infanterie Scott Kronprinz "Vorwärts" Ludwig von Preußen  :shock: ;)

See you on the MP Histwar fields Scott.

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #37 le: 12 août 2010, 12:50:35 pm »
HWLG CW League

La Division Infernale

Napoleonic Battle Corps
« Modifié: 13 août 2010, 17:02:14 pm par NapLrd »

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #38 le: 13 août 2010, 15:43:42 pm »

HWLG Clan Wars MP League

1st Season
September 2010 - January 2011

2nd Season
January 2011 - May 2011

3rd Season
May 2011 - September 2011

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #39 le: 13 août 2010, 15:54:48 pm »
NBC will be ready. Training sessions progress with Dougie J of NTW fame coming up to speed. Hopefully JMM will have sorted out the "error1a" intermittent bug.

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #40 le: 16 août 2010, 10:35:47 am »
welcome Lancier and Napoleonics
« Modifié: 20 août 2010, 09:33:39 am par NapLrd »

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #41 le: 16 août 2010, 14:19:43 pm »
Nap, this is great. We now have 4 Clans/Clubs forming to participate in Interclan. I note that Uhlanen has started a recruitment drive over at INWC and surprised/delighted that Lancier is getting the "N" guys on board.
I know that Kiva and our friends at LDI are staging their training battles and judging by their forum posts, number around 6 and are doing well.  Over at NBC we are training almost every day, with the emphasis on mastering F9 orders and we number around 6 with a couple of guys in the process of joining.

Although early days, I am excited at the progress being made. Nap, you brought it all together under one roof and that is the primary reason it is taking off, again I say "Well done that man".

An open invite to anyone not a Club/Clan member. Their are 4 excellent organizations in Naps post below, each having it's own flavor and style, something for everyone. I would strongly urge any HLG player who is interested in fighting competitive MP/PBEM and Campaigns, to checkout and join one of these entities. I would not allow being a "Beginner" put you off. NBC and I am sure the other guys, have training programs to bring even the raw novice up to speed. In fact fighting a "Training MP" battle with an experienced player, using Voice Comms in Xfire or Teamspeak, is in my opinion, the fastest way to master many HLG basics.
« Modifié: 17 août 2010, 17:56:34 pm par ajlewisbrookes »

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #42 le: 17 août 2010, 15:29:15 pm »
thanks AJ!

Bibouba  join with his team " La belle alliance " ! I think another French team.
Welcome mate. I ll update the league team page.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #43 le: 17 août 2010, 15:31:35 pm »
Things are moving forward nicely now.

I'm sorry to bring bad news, but to keep things moving ahead we HAVE to get a decent place to meet, like we had the old GS game lobby for ntw2 - without such a place we are not going to keep making real progress and get mp games fought.

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #44 le: 17 août 2010, 16:23:23 pm »
You are totally right Gunner but i think JMM is still working on it, at least i remember he said we ll have a lobby.

We have a Xfire Histwar group for Multiplayer games and it has 14 members, i am sure more ll come who want MP games.

For the Histwar league battles IP transfers & meetings we can use NWG forum and chat box with the people who dont like to use Xfire as you suggested which is a great idea acc. to me !