Auteur Sujet: Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League  (Lu 71855 fois)

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« le: 03 août 2010, 09:53:46 am »
Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League

This is only for Multiplayer gaming!
Till we have a lobby it will not be so easy to meet but we can use TeamSpeak servers which are quite useful and/or league forum's chat box. Details are on the site for discussion.

Currently 2 clan usergroups are opened,  La Division Infernale, Napoleonic Battle Corps  which i know they playing MP games. When you register you will be assigned to the related group. If new clans join their usergroup will be created immediately.
All Multiplayer battles 1v1, 2v2, 2v1, 3v2 on, are counted as league battles.
Any language support (French, German if needed) will be welcomed about the League rules which are posted in english currently.
« Modifié: 11 août 2010, 12:56:48 pm par NapLrd »

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #1 le: 04 août 2010, 11:10:49 am »

Inter - Clan Meetings

Lets use NWG forum and chat box to exchange IP s and arrange battle times.

edit: now we will use NWG !
« Modifié: 17 août 2010, 17:06:28 pm par NapLrd »

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #2 le: 09 août 2010, 09:01:14 am »

Groups ready to compete at this league now are: La Division Infernale, Napoleonic Battle Corps

All MP HWLG communities are invited to the league.
« Modifié: 10 août 2010, 11:52:24 am par NapLrd »

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #3 le: 09 août 2010, 14:48:04 pm »
Histwar League moving to NWG forum !

HWLG Clan Wars League is moving to "Napoleonic War Gamers" forum now.
You can join there to join the league now.

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #4 le: 09 août 2010, 14:51:22 pm »
Nap you are doing the community a great service. One place for the Clans to meet, Ambassadors from each clan drafting the rules of engagement etc..

Well done Sir!!!!!

Hors ligne Belliard

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #5 le: 09 août 2010, 16:17:48 pm »
Très bon travail NapLrd !! La promotion que vous faites pour le multijoueur, est tout à votre honneur... ;)

      A.D Belliard

Very good work NapLrd!! The promotion which you make for the multiplayer, is everything in your honor ;)

Kind regards,

    A.D Belliard

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #6 le: 09 août 2010, 23:09:43 pm »
I would like more than anyone to have a healty HWLG community, but unfortunatley, the community is far too diverse for the small number of Players that are available, at the moment.
I can only speak for TGHQ of course
But I feel at the moment INWC and TGHQ are going through discussions, which I believe will strenghten the community in the long term, this all takes time.
Although this League is good, I feel it is premature.  
« Modifié: 09 août 2010, 23:18:32 pm par gazfun »
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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #7 le: 09 août 2010, 23:18:26 pm »
You know, it s hollidays time, so just wait for september.

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #8 le: 09 août 2010, 23:38:54 pm »
Although this League is good, I feel it is premature

Sorry Gaz mate this is an effort by NapLrd with NBC backing, merely to stage a venue for Battle rules and posting of results.  I don't think we realised you were in negotiations for a similar venture.

As it stands now, La Division Infernale & the Napoleonic Battle Corps, will be arrangeing our Interclan battles and posting our results in the new Forum

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #9 le: 10 août 2010, 00:04:04 am »
But I feel at the moment INWC and TGHQ are going through discussions, which I believe will strenghten the community in the long term, this all takes time.
If your trying to doing something for the "Community" it might be best if the Community is involved with the discussions.

Although this League is good, I feel it is premature.  

It is there for those who are interested in it, if your interested please join in, if your not, I can understand that, perhaps your trying to organise your own thing.

the community is far too diverse for the small number of Players that are available, at the moment.
It may well be, all the organisations want to organise their own things, rather than join in with what someone else is doing, this is to be expected, otherwise everyone here would be in the same club, not lots of different ones.  

As for me (and NBC) "doing" something and playing MP games is far more enjoyable than talking about doing stuff.  I also prefer that the mp games generate lots of pre and post action discussion on the forums where results can be posted and chatted about afterwards - that is what NBC have been DOING for months now, some people have joined in and are enjoying PBEM and MP.

The good thing about lots of different organisations is it does give people a choice.

To get back to the point : NapLrd has created the Clan Wars League and is hosting it on a Napoleonic site (nwg) that has been active for almost 3 years.  Clans / Clubs that wish to take part can join and enjoy MP games against each other - if they prefer to only play against their own members that is understandable, NBC will take on anyone, will you take on us ?.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #10 le: 10 août 2010, 00:13:46 am »
What Im trying to also say (and it seems unsuccessfully) is that there hasnt been much conversation about this has there!
Just assumptions!
Mature conversation's should happen, and this will take time.
« Modifié: 10 août 2010, 00:15:55 am par gazfun »
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Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #11 le: 10 août 2010, 00:28:46 am »
What Im trying to also say (and it seems unsuccessfully) is that there hasnt been much conversation about this has there!
Just assumptions!
Mature conversation's should happen, and this will take time.

Converstaion about Clan Wars you mean ?.  The forum is open to everyone, it is not restricted.  Anyone is welcome to come along and talk about anything to do with Clan Wars.  Some people like to get on and play the game, after having waited many years for it - what's wrong with that ?.

But I feel at the moment INWC and TGHQ are going through discussions, which I believe will strenghten the community in the long term, this all takes time.
Hmmm, this is the first I have heard about this, not much converstaion there was there.....which I'm not complaining about, we are all free to discuss anything with anyone, as NapLrd is free to try and generate interest in Inter Clan MP games by setting up Clan Wars.  If your going to offer us something better, I'm sure we will all join in with that.

When push comes to shove there is no point in complaining about what other groups are doing, join in with others, or don't.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #12 le: 10 août 2010, 00:45:02 am »
And there is nothing wrong with conversation either Gunner ok so calm yourself
« Modifié: 10 août 2010, 00:47:05 am par gazfun »
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Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #13 le: 10 août 2010, 00:50:31 am »
And there is nothing wrong with conversation either
I believe I just said that below.

so calm yourself
Ha, maybe you should calm down and start a new topic about your "converstaion" rather than take over a topic about something you have no interest in.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #14 le: 10 août 2010, 00:56:16 am »
I believe I just said that below.
Ha, maybe you should calm down and start a new topic about your "converstaion" rather than take over a topic about something you have no interest in.
You where the one who said i was complaining, where i wasnt at all  :lol:
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