Auteur Sujet: Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League  (Lu 71814 fois)

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #15 le: 10 août 2010, 07:22:45 am »
Citation de: AJ
Nap you are doing the community a great service. One place for the Clans to meet, Ambassadors from each clan drafting the rules of engagement etc..

Citation de: Belliard
Very good work NapLrd!!

Citation de: gazfun
Although this League is good, I feel it is premature.

Thanks gentlemen. There maybe still some parts to be fixed but Multiplayer gaming is now playable. So all we need to do is to "MEET". All clans/clubs will have their pbem-mp activity among their members, thats for sure, but if you want to have mp battles with other groups this is why i plan this League.

All members of each clan/club dont have to register to the league. As AJ mentioned, 1 representative who ll bring their clans/clubs suggestions to the league, who ll post their MP victories against other groups to the forum for league points and who ll give information to his team mates about the developments will be okay. But if more want to register sure that ll be great and welcomed.

Gentlemen, arranging MP games is always hard as we all know , i dont already expect to have tens of clans and hundereds of officers playing the league now but why not start with a small group and start meeting. I ran leagues for Total war games before having 7-8 clans and a ggod number of MP officers, when it runs well - it becomes really enjoyable.

I have posted the rules, they are simple. Clans/Clubs dont have to be crowded to participate that league, we need 1 representative for each clan/club, thats all. As you know all variations of MP battles are acceptable. 1v1, 2v2, 2v1,3v2 etc.

If we can do this this will be with the participation and support of each clan/club. NBC registered there with some MP officers for the challenge gentlemen.
« Modifié: 10 août 2010, 09:29:19 am par NapLrd »

Hors ligne kiva

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #16 le: 10 août 2010, 10:49:08 am »

It's OK for the clan of "La Division Infernale !" bientôt viendra le temps des rencontres  ;)

Hors ligne Uhlanen

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #17 le: 10 août 2010, 21:13:13 pm »
LOL !!!!! NapLrd is a member in good standing with all three of our organizations and has done excellent work in all three. NOBODY is complaining about him or his efforts Gazfuns comment as I read it referred strictly to timing in relation to the current size of the MP community and made no effort that I can see to belittle NapLrd or his efforts.

Sorry Gaz mate this is an effort by NapLrd with NBC backing, merely to stage a venue for Battle rules and posting of results.  I don't think we realised you were in negotiations for a similar venture.

The INWC side of the similar venture that you  mention has been around since 2002 not exactly a new venture. The INWC doesn't care where else folks play and welcomes all. Our members games count against there ladder score no mater the opponent..... club member or not, as a member of the INWC himself Ajlewisbrooks knows that. The INWC and TGHQ are working toward cooperation between the two clubs to bring new players into the HistWar Les Grognards community and to provide a good gaming experience and camaraderie for those already here.  

There is no competition between the INWC,TGHQ and The HistWar clan wars league for players.
« Modifié: 11 août 2010, 00:40:50 am par Uhlanen »

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Re : Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #18 le: 10 août 2010, 22:20:01 pm »
Clubs may have their acvities like the ladders or campaigns-tournaments for their members but honestly i wanted to see this histwar league as a "clans league". I mean clans like NBC- Division Infarnale / if new clans form they maybe included later.
my 2 cents ;)

 If the players are there I see no reason why that wouldn't work just fine. Like most things it will grow over time.

Hors ligne Uhlanen

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Re : Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #19 le: 10 août 2010, 23:35:15 pm »
i agree, on the other hand tghq is a EiA+HW club, NWC and iNWC are talonsoft-HPS+HW clubs so if this will be a league of clans they must only deal with the game HW.
once again my 2 cents ;)

Well...if there is a problem with any of this I don't see it !!! NBC plays HW +NTW . To this point you have spent 4 cents and I still don't see a problem here :lol: If what your trying to say is that the league is only going to be for HW then great !!!
« Modifié: 10 août 2010, 23:42:01 pm par Uhlanen »

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #20 le: 10 août 2010, 23:55:43 pm »
is that the league is only going to be for HW then great

I believe that is the idea. 

It is called
Clan Wars,

 I don't know for sure if this should mean Clans AND Clubs, NapLrd will confirm this, I expect it will be for any "organisation" that wants to take part.

Some mis-understanding arose (for my part) from Gazfun saying :
Although this League is good, I feel it is premature
I never understood why it was premature after the game has been in the making for many years and been released over 6 months.

He also said :
But I feel at the moment INWC and TGHQ are going through discussions, which I believe will strenghten the community in the long term, this all takes time.

which sort of infered that everyone should wait for INWC and TGHQ to produce something that no one even knew was being worked on.

As I say, I perhaps mis-understood those comments.

Maybe we should think ourselves lucky that different people are trying to make interesting things for everyone to get involved with, and not worry about who is doing what, but join in with things that interest us and not comment about things that don't.

The more HWLG things there are to get involved with the better, free choice at work.

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #21 le: 11 août 2010, 00:30:17 am »
as a member of the INWC himself Ajlewisbrooks knows that

No problem, just resigned

Hors ligne Uhlanen

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Re : Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #22 le: 11 août 2010, 00:38:58 am »
No problem, just resigned

Never was a problem !!!!! :smile:

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #23 le: 11 août 2010, 07:09:02 am »
Gents, the system is here and ready so do not worry i will make it more clear.

The league is for any organisation,group, clan who has a team, playing Histwar Multiplayer TCP/IP games. This is a "clan wars league" so officers have battles and their teams/clans gain points.
There will not be a league table showing "individuals" statistics... only teams' statistics will be shown. This league is for only Histwar TCP/IP games. I mean pbem games are not included and you must have a team/group/clan/organisation to participate.

Hope thats more clear now ;)
« Modifié: 11 août 2010, 13:28:27 pm par NapLrd »

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #24 le: 11 août 2010, 13:02:01 pm »
At the end of the day cooler minds will prevail. There is no point in trying to win an arguement in a forum, it doesnt work very well.

TGHQ Are a group of wargamers, so therefore games that cover this criteria are played by TGHQ members, and any other game the group collectivley wish to play.  Histwar and EiA are played.

But as seperate kinds of players at the moment. There are only a few that play both.

The type of player that play both, we plan internal Campaign Games to the greater part of our stable membership involving both titles. Until any improvement of software comes along and we are looking  at Histwar in this.

The type method of playing Clan wars as indicated by Naplrd is a good idea as I say again.  But there has to be sustainability in this also.  That takes time.  

Also we have members that have a shared membership of both INWC and TGHQ who in time will also be apart of such a venture, and members may request either of us to be involved in this, TGHQ will be supportive of any future gaming enviroment where there is a stable enviroment for playing.  But of course the numbers have to be there I mean you cant put on a movie if there is no one there to watch it.

So what happens in this regard in the Clan wars, being in a duel membership, how does this work then? I havent picked this up yet. maybe Im slow  :)

« Modifié: 11 août 2010, 13:07:52 pm par gazfun »
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Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #25 le: 11 août 2010, 13:27:56 pm »
Thanks gazfun, your views are always valuable for me indeed you being an experienced Napoleonic gamer. And i totally agree about the sustainability which is my objective  so i need support from clan/club representatives/leaders.

Armies of this League will not be more complicated that what we had with other clubs so far.

For example:
I am a soldier of Scott's Prussian NWC army so we are in the same army but he is my enemy as he is in the iNWC French army and i am an Prussian officer of iNWC.
marcuswk is my enemy as he is in French TGHQ army and i m in Austrian but he is my ally in NBC GaW coalition army fighting against Napoleon.

So this will be a similiar choice for club players. They will select 1 club/clan to fight for. I am member of all these clubs but i have to choose one for the league and it ll be NBC. That doesnt mean i stop my activity on other clubs, i still have games going there, no harm.

Come on gents, lets have some MP battles... the more clans/clubs, the more officers get involved in this event means the more MP battles will be set up.

See you on the battlefield !
« Modifié: 03 septembre 2010, 08:08:42 am par NapLrd »

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #26 le: 11 août 2010, 14:07:28 pm »

It's OK for the clan of "La Division Infernale !" bientôt viendra le temps des rencontres   

As Kiva states in his official capacity, HLG Clan War Leagues will be the site of their choice and NBC likewise. Obviously as Gaz says things may develop in a different direction over time. This whole thing is about fighting battles not political in-fighting or bruised egos, so let's concentrate on fighting the battles and promoting HLG as the premiere "Napoleonic Battle Simulation"

So the positive news is that we are very close to staging the first Interclan Battle. As it currently stands, result and reports will be posted at HLG Clan Wars.

I want to take a minute to thank NapLrd for his energy and creativity not to mention his skills as a Diplomat :smile: He has arranged a vehicle, whether temporary or permanent, to stage the first meeting of LDI and NBC.

Bravo Sir!!!!

I take my hat off to General nap

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #27 le: 11 août 2010, 15:16:50 pm »
Thanks NapLrd, I think this topic has helped clear up some mis-understandings, now things are clearer.

Anyone who is a member of more than one organisation, and who wants to join in, must state which organisation they will be fighting for - easy.

But of course the numbers have to be there I mean you cant put on a movie if there is no one there to watch it.
This is very true, the more that join in the better.  If everyone refuses to join in because there are not enough members, there will never be enough members !.

« Modifié: 11 août 2010, 15:23:05 pm par Gunner24 »

Hors ligne AnkLrd

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #28 le: 11 août 2010, 15:42:47 pm »
Gents, there are NBC members also who are members of other clubs. It ll be totally up to them which team/group they ll fight for. I think Gunner ll confirm that as well.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Histwar Les Grognards Clan Wars League
« Réponse #29 le: 11 août 2010, 18:09:12 pm »
Gents, there are NBC members also who are members of other clubs. It ll be totally up to them which team/group they ll fight for. I think Gunner ll confirm that as well.
Yes, this difference between "clan" and "club" can confuse some, including me. 

The main (most important) difference is that a member can only belong to one Clan, but can be a member of more than one  Club

If an NBC member wanted to fight for a Club, rather than for NBC, that will be fine, dis-appointing for me as the NBC founder, but it would not be a problem.