But I feel at the moment INWC and TGHQ are going through discussions, which I believe will strenghten the community in the long term, this all takes time.
If your trying to doing something for the "Community" it might be best if the
Community is involved with the discussions.
Although this League is good, I feel it is premature.
It is there for those who are interested in it, if your interested please join in, if your not, I can understand that, perhaps your trying to organise your own thing.
the community is far too diverse for the small number of Players that are available, at the moment.
It may well be, all the organisations want to organise their own things, rather than join in with what someone else is doing, this is to be expected, otherwise everyone here would be in the same club, not lots of different ones.
As for me (and NBC)
"doing" something and playing MP games is far more enjoyable than talking about doing stuff. I also prefer that the mp games generate lots of pre and post action discussion on the forums where results can be posted and chatted about afterwards - that is what NBC have been DOING for months now, some people have joined in and are enjoying PBEM and MP.
The good thing about lots of different organisations is it does give people a choice.
To get back to the point : NapLrd has created the Clan Wars League and is hosting it on a Napoleonic site (nwg) that has been active for almost 3 years. Clans / Clubs that wish to take part can join and enjoy MP games against each other - if they prefer to only play against their own members that is understandable, NBC will take on anyone, will you take on us ?.