This my calculations to put in editor (with copy and past) after change with data for specific map ,of scilab and run.
I used openoffice calc how spreadsheet.
For all maps but not for 6km.
Theo take a look and talking about.
Hi Alfiere,
I totally agree with your calculations.
As I previously said, I also use an OpenOffice calc spreadsheet to do the calculations (thanks to glaude1955).
Comparing with the instructions of Brucepos, the only thing that changes in the calculations is the number of rows and columns which are now of 6001, instead of 1200 or 2400. It's because of the biggest data files we can download now on Google earth.
So the only number to change is in b15 to do the calculation for the Top corner latitude :
c11+b15*c13 =yllcorner+6001*cellsize
The lines for Scilab program are also good. Nothing has changed with previous Brucepos' Instructions.
As you said, this doesn't work for 6 km map.
Thanks a lot for this post.