Auteur Sujet: Congratulation MadRussian  (Lu 21784 fois)

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #15 le: 14 septembre 2010, 13:37:38 pm »


Sans le mod actif  à gauche, avec le mod actif à droite.


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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #16 le: 14 septembre 2010, 18:46:26 pm »
Congratulations,,,   and a quick question,, do I need to uninstall your old mod,, ver 1 before installing ver 2?


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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #17 le: 14 septembre 2010, 19:38:59 pm »
More and more better!!!

What next MadRussian? you will improve also the landscapes, the buildings etc?


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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #18 le: 14 septembre 2010, 22:23:43 pm »
The first Mod was not set up to work with JSGME , so if you set it up to work with that program I would uninstall Ver 1.0.       Ver 2.0 is a complete set minus 1 guy which I did not do for symbolic reasons and is set up for JSGME.  
2.0 looks better IMO,, I made some filters and ran all the units through them to enhance. I have no plans for a Ver 3.0 unless I find some problems or the Models get a update.  

Also on a small note there are some minor errors I notice with the assignment of Units. I will point out just a few that stood out.
1  The Denmark General  is using the wrong 3D figure, Index 0C0 type 25 should be the type assigned.
2. The Prussian General is not set up as the General, instead the dragoon Officer is being used.
3. Russian, Sweden, Wurtemberg, Sax, Bavaria have limber units for both foot and horse but only one is used.

Also while you can not add units to the database (at least I have not found out how to yet), you can alter the 3D figure and graphic number it is using. Example all the Units for Saxons currently use a 1812 style uniform look. However you can Mod this and give them 1805 look with bicorn hats.

As far as Modding the terrain, I will wait till it gets undated before I jump back into that area.
« Modifié: 16 septembre 2010, 23:20:58 pm par MadRussian »

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #19 le: 14 septembre 2010, 23:35:06 pm »
Thank you for your great work, Madrussian! Glad you set it up for JSGME, it really helps handling mods.


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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #20 le: 16 septembre 2010, 03:07:53 am »
Congrats and thanks to you, Mad Russian!

One question, though: The list of nations with number and letter designations: how does that work? Or, rather, how does one
use that to make OOB editor create a Portuguese unit, for example?  (This assumes, of course, that the mod has been properly installed in the JSME mod file.)
« Modifié: 16 septembre 2010, 03:17:01 am par EarlofWarwick »

"Festino lente."

                                        --Caesar Augustus


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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #21 le: 17 septembre 2010, 00:16:08 am »
Presently the OOB is locked, so you really can not add something that is not there or expand (add) to nations that are established. Only thing you can do is overwrite or substitute over an existing established nation. The guys that made the Peninsular War Mod can probably explain better on how to do that since they have done it in there Mod.

The Portuguese Nation is currenly not active.  So the only Portuguese units that show up in the game are those that served under France and are listed in the French OOB.

JMM and his team the are only one’s that can officially add to the OOB database. As the game progresses I expect more Modules or Expansion Packs will be added that will bring in more nations you see in the following list.

0 = French
1 = Russia
2 = Austria
3 = Britain
4 = Prussia
5 = Spain
6 = Bavaria
7 = Brunswick
8 = Duchy of Warsaw
9 = Hanover
A = Hesse-Darmstadt
B = Naples
C = Netherlands
D = Italy
E = Portugal
F = Saxony
G = Sweden
H = Westphalia
I = Württemberg these are being shared with Baden (K).
J = Switzerland
K = Baden  these are shared with Württemberg (I).
L = Denmark
M = Cleve berg
N = Nassau
O = Ottoman Empire
P = Piedmont

 :| Not sure if that answered your question, but in short officially you can not add a Portuguese Nation Unit (E) to build a army at this time, Unofficially you can but you have to overwrite a Nation already established.

One last note on the graphics, some of the Nations share the same graphic so you may not actually see a graphic number in the C:\HistWarGames\HistWar\Graphics\Jeu2\T_HW folder for a particular Nation. Example Cleve berg  (M) you will not see a graphic for there infantry because it is being shared with a graphic number from the French. ……..

 :roll: :shock: :roll:

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #22 le: 17 septembre 2010, 01:37:12 am »
That makes sense, MR. Thanks!

"Festino lente."

                                        --Caesar Augustus

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #23 le: 17 septembre 2010, 07:27:46 am »
Thanks, its great !!!! ;)

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #24 le: 17 septembre 2010, 09:04:48 am »
Great work, thank you.

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #25 le: 17 septembre 2010, 21:20:22 pm »
Thanks for your work MadRussian, and for making it available for the community  ;)

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #26 le: 22 septembre 2010, 00:02:05 am »
Possibly, just a thought. JMM could make this mod an official part of the game, add it in the next patch. Mad Russian should be added into the credits if they are added. I mean they are so much better, and should be an official part of the game. Cheers, MB
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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #27 le: 30 septembre 2010, 22:40:20 pm »
I would like to thank Madrussian not only for its texture but also for its landscape and terrain mods. Great stuff!   :shock:

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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #28 le: 30 septembre 2010, 23:16:12 pm »
Yes his, 3DTerrainMod it's beautiful too  ;)


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Re : Congratulation MadRussian
« Réponse #29 le: 02 octobre 2010, 03:54:26 am »
I am working on a update to the 3DTerrain Mod, It with feature lower 3d grass and less of it and will be for people who want Bright Maps. Here are some screens. Ignore the trees I have not updated them. It will be put up to work with JSGME generic mod enabler program.
