Auteur Sujet: Counter Battery fire.  (Lu 23699 fois)

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : Re : Counter Battery fire.
« Réponse #45 le: 30 septembre 2010, 18:17:36 pm »
Well, when artillery was used to directly support infantry, it was pulled by hand. It moved slowly, but moved.

In French artillery, "bricole" (a little rope used to pull the gun by hand) is only used to pull guns in some ground where horses can't go and in very short distance. French foot artillery always limbered/unlimbered to support and follow infantery ; French horse artillery always use "prolonge" (a long rope to pull gun with horses without limbering) as soon as it arrives on battlefield in order to move faster (especially to follow cavalry). You can get information in "Traité d'artillerie théorique et pratique", "Aide mémoire à l'usage des officiers d'artillerie de France", memoirs of Boulart, Pion des Loches, Séruzier, etc.
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Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Counter Battery fire.
« Réponse #46 le: 30 septembre 2010, 18:58:11 pm »
In French artillery, "bricole" (a little rope used to pull the gun by hand) is only used to pull guns in some ground where horses can't go and in very short distance. French foot artillery always limbered/unlimbered to support and follow infantery ; French horse artillery always use "prolonge" (a long rope to pull gun with horses without limbering) as soon as it arrives on battlefield in order to move faster (especially to follow cavalry). You can get information in "Traité d'artillerie théorique et pratique", "Aide mémoire à l'usage des officiers d'artillerie de France", memoirs of Boulart, Pion des Loches, Séruzier, etc.
I know of at least one instance where the guns were pulled alongside the infantry formation. I will post it later when I am at home.

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Counter Battery fire.
« Réponse #47 le: 30 septembre 2010, 22:40:11 pm »
Lodi57!  Good to see you posting in the English section again.  And good information, thanks.

MdA, if you're talking about regimental guns, those were usually 4 pounders, somewhat lighter than 12 pounders.  I remember seeing those in earlier versions of the game, they may still be there in some OoBs.


Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Re : Counter Battery fire.
« Réponse #48 le: 30 septembre 2010, 23:06:22 pm »
Lodi57!  Good to see you posting in the English section again.  And good information, thanks.
MdA, if you're talking about regimental guns, those were usually 4 pounders, somewhat lighter than 12 pounders.  I remember seeing those in earlier versions of the game, they may still be there in some OoBs.
Yes, the OOB editor lets you add them to infantry regiments.

Regarding the historical example I mentioned, it is Wagram, Macdonald's "monstruous column", a corps size square (!!!). There are many other examples though. But yes, they must have been 4 pdr.

Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Re : Counter Battery fire.
« Réponse #51 le: 01 octobre 2010, 09:52:19 am »
MdA, if you're talking about regimental guns, those were usually 4 pounders

These guns attached to infantry units only existed in the French army from 1809 until 1812.

Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Re : Counter Battery fire.
« Réponse #52 le: 01 octobre 2010, 11:10:04 am »
These guns attached to infantry units only existed in the French army from 1809 until 1812.
Correct. They had been suppressed in 1797.

Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Re : Counter Battery fire.
« Réponse #53 le: 01 octobre 2010, 11:53:36 am »
In fact, it was a way of finding some utility for the enormous quantity of guns (mainly  guns captured from Austria).