Auteur Sujet: to JMM: Modding questions  (Lu 21266 fois)

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to JMM: Modding questions
« le: 09 mars 2010, 20:33:45 pm »
[..]After sending the Edition Napoleon and Grognard, I am going to write a manual for the Mods.
I think it's a big piece... and will need several weeks to finish it (I'll not work at 100% on this Mods' Guide)
So, the best is to build a list of priorities... Could you begin it. THX


I thought I start a new thread on this. We could collect questions and put them together in a list, with categories and priorities when they become to many.

1. Which (uniform) texture file is connected to which unit?

Hors ligne spec10

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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #1 le: 11 mars 2010, 18:40:32 pm »
A pretty simple one just came up for me: Where is HistWar\Graphics\Texture\ being used? I know is the F7 screen, but I haven't seen yet

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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #2 le: 18 mars 2010, 11:44:45 am »
An explanation of all the options in Langage\initDiag.txt

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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #3 le: 18 mars 2010, 22:58:08 pm »
initDiag.txt: Click on Default and it will change the French text to English (assuming you're running an English language version).  Most of the options are self-explanatory, and the others probably aren't used yet.  The only oddity is Windowed 2309:  Set to 0000 for full screen, 2309 for windowed mode. 


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Re : Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #4 le: 18 mars 2010, 23:08:05 pm »
initDiag.txt: Click on Default and it will change the French text to English (assuming you're running an English language version).  Most of the options are self-explanatory, and the others probably aren't used yet.  The only oddity is Windowed 2309:  Set to 0000 for full screen, 2309 for windowed mode. 


Most of the options are self-explanatory indeed, but some value ranges are not, like with the two density values for example. That's why I thought I'd mention it here.

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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #5 le: 18 mars 2010, 23:18:36 pm »
You can find out the different values by clicking on the different options and then reading the file to see how they change.  To find out what values of Low, Medium and High do, you'll have to examine the game directly to see the differences.


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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #6 le: 19 mars 2010, 00:20:51 am »
I did do that, I changed the values in the menu, clicked ok, came back to the menu, the value was still as I set it, ... but nothing changed in the file. I simply accepted it as a bug and went to set my game up the text file.

Now with your post indicating that it actually should work I found out what went wrong here. The setting only gets saved if you select it by mouseclick but what I did was selecting it with arrow keys and hitting return. Which is btw. the only way for me to select a resolution of 1680x1050 because the selection menu that pops up (or down actually) extends below the window bottom and I can't see / click the last few entries.
« Modifié: 19 mars 2010, 00:32:48 am par spec10 »

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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #7 le: 19 mars 2010, 19:26:44 pm »
The possible densities for trees and grass are 0, 1, and 2.  Zero is the highest.  I believe both of these work, although I haven't experimented with the lowest density.  Shadows has the same settings.  Setting shadows high may increase the number of objects that cast shadows.

JMM has mentioned in other posts that Show AVI and Bumpmapping are not used.

LoD will be Level of Detail, and it defaults to high.  I haven't experimented with it.

Display will be the refresh rate for your monitor, but defaults to an odd value.  Width and height are the size of the display, and Windowed is 0000 for full screen, 2309 for windowed mode.

Musik is the number of music files listed.  This is probably best left alone.

The remainder of the values, I have no idea.  SDK usually means Software Development Kit. 

To get some of the values to change, you may have to hit OK and exit the program.


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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #8 le: 19 mars 2010, 19:50:02 pm »
We seem to be prone to misunderstand each other :) Thanks for the effort explaining everything, but I already had the chance to get all the values myself.

What I was explaining in the 2nd paragraph in my post above is:

The set up menu only saves values that are selected by mouseclick, i.e. you click the option you want to change, a dropdown shows up, you click on the item you want to select, you click ok, the value gets saved in the file.

... Now try clicking an option, dropdown shows up and instead of selecting what you want by mouseclick you use the arrow keys to scroll and hit enter to confirm. The value gets selected, everything seems fine. You hit ok, and ... the value doesn't get saved to the file.

That's what caused me to ask for an explanation of the value ranges, since changing values "my way" in the set up menu didn't result in any changes to the file. My assumption was: The set up menu is broken. When you, by explaining steps to me which I already thought of myself before I started asking here about the values, indicated that it actually should work, I gave it another try and found out what happened, and therefore, now everything (besides the 1680x1050 selection issue as mentioned above) works fine as long as I use mouseclicks instead of arrows + enter :).

(As mentioned on another occasion in the Montebello thread, I'm working on my Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics, and besides that I went through 4 semesters of Applied Computer Science before I moved on to Medical stuff. I know my way around in the Computer world, sometimes I just run a bit too fast and hit a wall :D)

//edit: and please don't get me wrong. What I want to achieve with this post is to clear up what I think is a misunderstanding / misinterpretation of my questions that happened because I didn't make myself clear enough.
I totally appreciate every single answer I get to any question I have, so again: Thanks for the effort, I mean it. :)
« Modifié: 19 mars 2010, 20:25:31 pm par spec10 »

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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #9 le: 19 mars 2010, 22:27:37 pm »
So...what are you trying to say... :p

Hors ligne spec10

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Re : Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #10 le: 20 mars 2010, 00:48:41 am »
So...what are you trying to say... :p


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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #11 le: 20 mars 2010, 01:15:17 am »
No problems.  Mostly I was answering the original question, which took me maybe 10 minutes to figure out even before we had an English version of the file.  JMM recently posted that bumpmapping didn't do anything yet, so I figured I'd go ahead do a memory dump of everything I knew.



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« Réponse #12 le: 27 juin 2010, 02:20:13 am »
Is it possible to be told which sky files from the (C:\HistWarGames\HistWar\Graphics\T_Sky) folder are actually being used. The folder contains 227 sky files, but a lot don’t seem to be used and I would like to use some in a terrain Mod but can’t see zipping up 114 megabit’s  worth if they are not all used. Thks

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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #13 le: 27 juin 2010, 02:37:03 am »
All are used...It's a random process  ;)



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Re : to JMM: Modding questions
« Réponse #14 le: 27 juin 2010, 02:48:01 am »
Ok thanks was afraid of that kind of answer.