I'd like the option to select different turn lengths for a PBEM game. Options could be from the default 15 minutes for a turn to 2 hours, with settings for 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours.
This would allow people to get through a PBEM game in a day or two rather than playing for many days or weeks. It would also give the opportunity to "play out" a PBEM game after both players have decided the battle is basically over, but still give them the opportunity to give late-game orders if desired.
I'm thinking about a turn length slider on the PBEM screen, which could be set before running the turn. Most of the time it would be set at the beginning, and only changed when the players both decided they didn't have any more orders to give. The game could use the *shortest* time either player sets when it does the next turn.
I doubt many people would want to play with historical order delays and a 2 hour turn, but playing with limited (40 minute) delays or even no delay would have the same effect. Using 2 hour turns would give 5 order phases in a 10 hour battle (1000 initial, then 1200, 1400, 1600 and 1800 for a battle that ends at 2000) which should play fairly well, but it wouldn't allow micromanagement.
JMM might use a button to "Finish the battle" but I'm looking for more flexibility here.