Auteur Sujet: Quick start for quick battles  (Lu 5587 fois)

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Quick start for quick battles
« le: 04 février 2010, 20:47:34 pm »
I admit that I haven't yet followed these processes much, but it seems a little long-winded to create a random OoB in the OoB editor, save & exit; then create a random map in the Terrain Editor, save and Exit; then kick up the game and choose the OoB and the new map.  Why not have a single 'shop front' where you choose CEH size automatically chosen (or choose to pick and => go to the editor) and random map with size and weather, then PLAY?  Nice, quick and straightforward.

Je reconnais que je n'ai pas encore suivi ces processus beaucoup, mais il semble un peu verbeux de créer OoB au hasard dans le rédacteur en chef OoB, sauver et la sortie; créez alors une carte au hasard dans le Rédacteur en chef de Terrain, sauvez et la Sortie; soulevez alors le jeu et choisissez l'OoB et la nouvelle carte. Pourquoi pas avoir un 'front de magasin simple' où vous choisissez la grandeur CEH automatiquement choisie (ou veulent choisir et => vont chez le rédacteur en chef) et la carte au hasard avec la grandeur et le temps, JOUEZ ensuite? Agréable, rapide et direct.
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Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #1 le: 04 février 2010, 22:55:15 pm »
Because you might not like the random map or OoB the game gives you and have to try again a few times.


Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #2 le: 05 février 2010, 04:43:33 am »
Sorry to disagree, Hook...

To try again a few times something quick and straightforward could be nevertheless more convenient that the actual system, is more similar to what an average gamer would expect, and it would be an option (ie, you could always do things step by step if you wish).

« Modifié: 05 février 2010, 04:51:04 am par Franciscus »

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #3 le: 05 février 2010, 05:05:47 am »
Which is more convenient?

1.  Open the map editor, click on Random map an average of 4 times to get one you like; open the OoB editor, click on Random OoB an average of 4 times to get one you like, start the game and play.

2.  Open the game, click on Random game an average of 16 times, and have to start the game to see what you got and if you like both the map and OoB?

Unfortunately, in my experience, not all random maps and OoBs are created equal.  Some are real dogs.  The good news is, you WILL get a good one if you keep trying.  Click on Random a few times to see what I mean.


Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #4 le: 05 février 2010, 11:39:19 am »
Which is more convenient?

1.  Open the map editor, click on Random map an average of 4 times to get one you like; open the OoB editor, click on Random OoB an average of 4 times to get one you like, start the game and play.

2.  Open the game, click on Random game an average of 16 times, and have to start the game to see what you got and if you like both the map and OoB?

You have to think creatively. Option 2 would be extremely convenient if we would not have to start/exit the game everytime to see if the map/OOB is OK. Why should we be forced to do it ??
Both the map and the OOB would be shown (and the OOB could even be made tweakable) in a screen before starting the actual game. A simple "reload" button in said screen could create another map and/or OOB on the fly. This is more or less done in other games (Warhammer, for instance), and it "only" requires programming, IMHO.
Not essential of course, but just another small thing that could improve greatly the interface game-player.

« Modifié: 05 février 2010, 11:41:36 am par Franciscus »

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #5 le: 07 février 2010, 00:02:53 am »
Unfortunately, in my experience, not all random maps and OoBs are created equal.  Some are real dogs
That is a good thing, not a bad thing, random is, well, random, you don't want random maps and OOB that are all the same !.

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #6 le: 07 février 2010, 01:42:12 am »
If you're happy with what the random map gives you every time, then who am I to complain?  Enjoy.


Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #7 le: 07 février 2010, 09:39:59 am »
True enough.  So, having pulled my finger out I followed the process a few times.  It isn't as onerous as it seems and indeed not all maps and OoBs are equal, so point to Hook.  Nevertheless, I wonder if the process could not eventually just get redesigned into one flow without the perception of entering and exiting?

Anyway, I seem to be specialising in trifling little issues at the moment.  I hope they come across as discussion points toward the development of this great game rather than clueless whinges.  Afterall, JMM now has a development team numbering over 600, no? :)
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Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Re : Quick start for quick battles
« Réponse #8 le: 07 février 2010, 10:04:14 am »
I suggested JMM to have a menu inside the random map with ratios for roads, hills, forests, mlets, villages and so on.. (like Steel Panthers map generator); he said this can be done (for sure not with the incoming patch)
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