I personally feel that "Teamspeak3" is a superior meeting room than Steam.
http://www.teamspeak.com/ download the Client program (32 or 64 bit), click on connections upper left of menu...click on connect ....type in the following numbers into the required boxes
Port: 4142
You are then in "Paladins Bar and Grill" (Uhlanen), bookmark in the menu, scroll down to the bottom and double click on "NBC Multiplayer lobby". Uhlanen has put in considerable effort creating this meeting room, so at least give it a try. If you don't like Audio Chat (with a mic), you can stick to the IM Chat.
Unlike Steam, you don't have to buy a game to use all the features of Teamspeak, not only is it a game lobby but it has Audio Chat (great for team tactics conferences), standard IM and the ability to upload files such as OOB's, doctrines, maps etc..