Auteur Sujet: Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]  (Lu 38917 fois)

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #15 le: 14 février 2011, 09:55:19 am »
Napoleonic Battle Corps


Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #16 le: 18 mai 2011, 15:50:37 pm »
NBC is starting it's 4th Campaign "Generals at War 4 the Peninsular Campaign" GAW4 Campaign map is now using FOW and Scouting forces details of the Campaign here

To sign up go here

This will be the first of our Campaigns featuring British OOB's thanks to the Peninsular/Waterloo Modding team
Example of how the FOW  works below

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #17 le: 19 mai 2011, 11:56:34 am »
Hi all,

Very interesting as a campaign concept, using only a hex map?


Très intéressant comme concept de campagne, vous utilisez seulement une carte hexagonale ?


Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #18 le: 19 mai 2011, 15:20:23 pm »
Hello, yes, the hex map to "plot" the formation moves (in ceh strength, like 5ceh for scouts up to max 250ceh for main army) and then HWLG to fight the MP battles when they arise.  We have made scouting an important feature and sometimes, depending on the strengths, there could be small very small battles which might interest some people more than the very large battles as they will be quick and easy to fight.

We have done our best to try and keep it very simple and enjoyable and hope this explains things 

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #19 le: 19 mai 2011, 15:27:34 pm »
We experimented with a few different formats.  We actually ran "Campaign Tests" with different formats.  The first map attached is our last Campaign Map GAW3 and the second is one that we tested and rejected.  The Hex Map gives better options for movement and FOW. The most interesting addition to the rules, made necessary by the FOW, is the Scouting formation that can move 2 Hexes at a time (5-15 ceh Light Cavalry only).  Our intent with the new Campaign, is to bring the realism of the FOW Battle Options to the Campaign as a whole.

Nous avons expérimenté avec quelques formats différents. En fait, nous avons conduit « Campagne de Tests » avec différents formats. La première carte jointe est notre dernière campagne de carte GAW3 et le second est que nous avons testés et rejeté. La carte Hex donne les meilleures options pour le mouvement et FOW. L'ajout plus intéressant pour les règles, rendue nécessaire par la FOW, est la formation de scoutisme qui peut se déplacer 2 hexagonaux à la fois (5-15 ceh cavalerie légère seulement). Avec la nouvelle campagne, notre intention est d'apporter le réalisme des Options de bataille FOW à la campagne dans son ensemble

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #20 le: 09 avril 2012, 19:59:37 pm »
NBC have a "hard core" of HW players [MP and PBEM] and are always pleased to have more join the ranks. 

Please call by and say hello in the "Meeting Room" forum if you would like to join us.

GaW5 is coming to a vital stage and advanced planning for GaW6 has started, so when 5 ends we can take a short break for 7-14 days and then start GaW6, which, of course, will be better than the previous five.


Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #21 le: 02 septembre 2012, 17:10:15 pm »
The NBC GaW format is now fine turned and ready to go for more games, please see here :

New members for HW games are always very welcome, please call in and say hello in the meeting room forum here :

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #22 le: 17 novembre 2012, 15:11:42 pm »
Since the last Campaign finished we are having a short break.  The GaW Campaign will be adjusted again after some valuable lessons from the previous one, and will be (hopefully) ready for HW2.

In the meantime we are very close to launching a GaW "Battles" format for use between campaign battles.

Everyone is welcome and full details will be on the NBC forum soon.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #23 le: 15 décembre 2012, 11:13:46 am »
Latest news : We are waiting for the final HW1 patch before starting GaW Battles and are working on the new style Campaign ready for HW2.

GaW forum on NBC forum can be found here, all welcome to join in :

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #24 le: 17 décembre 2012, 22:06:57 pm »
The early stages of the next GaW Campaign have been completed. 
Full information is here -

This has been designed with an umpire to handle almost all the "work". 

From now until HW2 arrives we will do some testing of the basic idea, volunteers most welcome, please contact g24 over at the NBC forum, or here.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #25 le: 30 décembre 2012, 23:37:16 pm »
Three Army Commanders are now in place and full speed ahead "testing" starts in a few days time, still room for others who are interested.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #26 le: 02 janvier 2013, 22:32:05 pm »
All movement now made up to day 8, no contact yet, but scouts can not be more than a day or two away from each other.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #27 le: 06 janvier 2013, 14:24:40 pm »
Day 12 arrives, and with it "first contact".

Action 1 (minor, no MP battle).

2pm Mar 12th, day 12.…darkness falls at 6pm, any action will be for FOURS hours.

Both sides scouts have seen each other around the town BRDOW and report a main enemy formation close behind.  Detailed numbers are not know as the enemy scouts are blocking attempts to get that information.

One Austria scout was cut off with 1 man killed and 4 forced to surrender.
The French suffered no loses.

No other action took place, both sides scouts are keeping watch at a safe distance around the blue and orange lines shown on the map.

BOTH sides now have the following options :
1. Halt and deploy, ready to attack or defend.
2. Deploy and advance to attack the enemy.
3. Withdraw.

The campaign is now “frozen in time” for a MAX of 3 days until both sides have given their instructions.

It is still day 12 until this is resolved, all other formations have ended their day 12 movement.

This is roughly what will happen every time two formations are MARCHING towards each other and meet before the end of the days march.  There will be exceptions, but generally this is how it will work. 

It will be slightly different if BOTH not marching.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #28 le: 06 janvier 2013, 22:32:13 pm »
Quick replies from both Commanders :
Day 12 : Possible action was avoided.

The French Cav advanced to attack, but the Austrians were already withdrawing.

    * When one side has elected to attack, and the other to withdraw, the attacking side will pursue the withdrawing side who WILL lose more men while withdrawing than the pursing side.

Austria lose 60 men
France lose 30 men

French Cav halted at BRDOW (end of days time) and Austrians withdrew south down the road.

DAY 13 move will be done next with new map and OOBs, tomorrow afternoon if possible.

New players welcome at any stage, this is a "live" test and room can be found for anyone interested.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Napoleonic Battle Corps [NBC]
« Réponse #29 le: 09 janvier 2013, 14:00:11 pm »
Day 14 now, day 15 map updates will be tomorrow afternoon.

Test all going very well, by far the best gaw game NBC have worked on in three years.